Friday, December 20, 2013

Lesson Plans for the Week of  December 16, 2013- December 20, 2013

Mr. Bish

Preparing for the Science Fair

Monday, December 16, 2013  F Day

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...

1.Participate in Monday Morning Meeting by listening to presenters and sharing thoughts of content already covered.

2.) Learn the three qualities of strong group members: Leadership, Creativity, and Work Ethic

3.) Choose group members for their science fair project based on the three qualities of leadership.

Learning Activity: Students will do a self- evaluation about heir own work qualities. Students will then get into groups of three. Students will then create a list of ten foods that they all like. Three must be vegetables and three must have two or more ingredients.  Students will then share their list with the class.

Evidence of Learning:  Students will create groups of  three to prepare for science fair.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013 A- Day

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will.
1.) Use observation skills to make observations during our observation lab.
2.) Test if telling people what they are tasking effects behavior.
3.) record observations and write up results for the observation labs.

Learning Activity: Students will conduct and observation experiment to see if human behavior changes when people know what they are tasting. During the lab students will be told what they are are tasting. As they are told what they are tasting students will record observations of the students behavior and actions. Students will record behavior before they taste, while they taste and after they taste.  Students will record information for five separate. subjects.

Evidence of Learning: Students will completer the Observations lab to see if human behavior changes when you tell the subject what they are tasting.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013   B Day


Thursday, December 19, 2013  C- Day

Objectives: As a result of he lesson students will...
1.) Choose a groups to prepare for science fair by choosing experiments.
2.) Work in groups to select a lab for the Science Fair.

Learning Activity- Analyze the Science Fair Rules and finalize groups for Science Fair.   Students will discuss ideas for science fair projects to prepare of the science fair.

Friday, December 20, 2013  D- Day

Objective: Students will rotate classrooms and participate in holiday activities. Mad libs, crafts, story telling, math games, math challenges etc.

Have a Happy Holiday!!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lesson Plans for Dec. 12 through Dec 13, 2013

Lesson Plans  for Thursday through Friday 

Thursday, December 12, 2013  D - Day 

Objectives for the Lesson : As s result of the lesson students will ...

1. Complete their" Rollin Lab" by testing independent, dependent and controlled variables.

2.Calculate mean from the "Rollin Lab" trials.

3. Generate bar graph using the information gathered from the lab.

Learning Activity: Student will complete their "Rollin Lab" by testing independent, dependent and controlled variables.  Students will learn how to create a graph using x and y axis.  Students will then graph data on a bar graph.

Evidence of Learning: Complete the"Rollin Lab".  

Homework: Write observation and conclusion of the "Rollin Lab". Due Friday 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will....

1.) Complete the project survey to determine interest for the science fair.

2.) Evaluate if their interest answer the following questions:

Who does this experiment benefit?
How does it benefit this or these people?

Learning Activity: Complete Science Buddies Project Interest Survey.  Print out three experiments that they are interested doing for their Science Fair.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Mr. Bish
Lesson Plans
December 8,2013- December 12, 2013

Weekly Lesson Focus:  Scientific Method/ Preparation for the Science Fair

Monday, December 8, 2013 A- Day
Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will..

1.) Participate in Monday Morning, by listening to presentations, discussing topics, and generating ideas to solve problems.

Activity: Students will participate in Monday Morning Meeting.

Tuesday, December 9, 2013  B- Day
#2 Penny Lab Continued

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will...

1.) Complete the penny lab by seeing which side of a penny holds the most drops of water.
2.) Write down observations and report results using the information from the data table and observations gathered from the Penny Lab.
3.) Collaborate and use the information collected from their observations and data table to draw a conclusion.

Learning Activity:  Students will continue work in collaborative groups to complete the Penny Lab.

Evidence of Learning: Students will complete the lab.

Wednesday, December 10, 2013 C- Day
Lab# 3 Running on Empty
Objectives: As result of the lesson students will...

1.) Define and demonstrate understanding of variables. Manipulated, Responding and Constant.
2.)  Identify the problem in the narrative of the lab.
3.) Create a hypothesis that states whether the height of an incline plane effects the distance a car travels.
4.) Identify and record the variables in the Running on Empty Lab.

Learning Activity: Students will work in collaborative groups to complete the Running on Empty Lab.  Prior to the lab students will learn about variables.  Responding Variables, Constant Variables, Manipulated Variables.  Students will identify the three variables in the lab.

Evidence of Learning: Students will record the three definitions of variables in their notebook.  Students will write the hypothesis and identify the variables from the lab.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lesson Plans for the Week of  December 2, 2013-December 6, 2013
Mr. Bish
Grade 6 Science/ Literacy

Week Focus: Scientific Method and Conducting Experiments

Monday, December 2, 2013   B- Day

Objectives: As result of today's lesson students will..
1.) Participate in Monday Morning Meeting by listening to weekly objectives for each subject area, announcements of upcoming events and STEM fundraisers and activities.
2.) Identify and demonstrate each step of the scientific method.
3.) Work in collaborative groups to understand each step of the scientific method.

Learning Activity: Students will work together to create a flow chart that will help them understand each step of the scientific method.  Students will present their flow charts to their groups and discuss any questions that might have about each step of the scientific method.
Evidence of Student Learning: Students will create a flow chart that they will put in their notes to refer to during this unit.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013 C-Day
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Conduct their first Scientific Method experiment by conducting the Candy Lab.
2.) Work in groups to generate a hypothesis, collect data, and record data.

Learning Activity: Students will be presented with a question posed by the Candy Lab. Driving Question of the lab: Which type of candy does a consumer get more of ? Skittles or Chocolate M&Ms? Student will create a hypothesis that will be their focus of the lab. During the lab the students will be broken up into groups of five. each group will be given a bag of  skittles and m&ms and after conducting and experiment we shall see which candy company provides the most candy per serving.

Evidence of Learning: Candy Lab- Students will collect data and create a hypothesis. Students will analyze data and form a conclusion.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Learn about variables by distinguishing the difference between different types of variables.
2.) Complete the Coin Lab. Students will use eye droppers to see which side of a penny holds more water the heads or tails side.
3.) Collect and analyze data gained from the Coin Lab.

Learning Activity: Students will complete the Coin Lab which will determine which side of a  coin hold the most amount drops of water. Students will do a trial of five for each side to determine using the scientific method which side holds the most water.

Evidence of Learning; Students will complete the coin lab.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Week of 11/25-11/29

Lesson Plans for Mr. Bish
Grade 6 STEM
Science/ Literacy

Monday, November 25, 2013, F Day

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...

1. Identify the seven steps of the scientific method after reading ,The Scientific Method by Patti Hutchinson
2.) define each step of the scientific method using context clues,  The Scientific Method by Patti Hutchinson
3.) Work in cooperative groups to come to an understanding of  The Scientific Method.
4.) Create a visual cue that demonstrate the students understanding of the Scientific Method.

Learning Activity: Students will work in cooperative groups to identify and define the steps of the Scientific Method. They will read the article titled The Scientific Method by Patti Hutchinson to help them gain a deeper understanding of the Scientific Method. In addition, students will create a visual cue that demonstrates their understanding of the Scientific Method.  Teacher will model each step and check for understanding.

Evidence of Learning. The students will complete a graphic organizer that identifies each step and defines each step of the Scientific Method.

Note: Wampum Presentation 8:56 . Assembly in the auditorium.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013 A Day
Native American Day Celebrations

Objectives: As a result of today's activities students will....

Participate in Native American Day celebration and activities by attending presentations.

After the presentation students will complete a journal entry that reflects on Greek Fest . Students will identify strengths and areas of improvement within themselves and with their final outcome.

Wednesday November 27- November 29: No School in observance of Native American Day and Thanksgiving Break.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday,November 18, 2013

Mr. Bish
Grade 6
November 18, 2013  A - Day

Greek Fair Work: Final Days before the Greek Fest on November 21, 2013 from 4-6 in the Middle School Gymnasium. Your child's attendance is mandatory. Your attendance is appreciated.

Parent Teacher Conference Day - Half Day

Objectives: As a result of today's lesson students will...

1. Meet and share their project status for the Greek Fest.
2.) Identify aspects of presentations that are required when answering questions from the public.
3.) Create a final version of Scientific Contributions to Science Posters for critique on Tuesday.
4.) Complete features for Greek Theater Masks.
5.) Create a set up list and table assignments for Greek Fest.

Today was a very productive  and messy day. Students completed their Scientific Contributions for the Greek Fest. On Tuesday the students will do a critique on their work to see if their posters need changes before presenting. Kora and Alexis finalized the table assignments and are working on creating a chart that tells the public where to go to see the different exhibits.  For a half day the students accomplished a great deal of work.  Students also practiced what they are going to share with people about their work getting ready for Thursday.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mr. Bish                                    Grade 6 STEM                                      Greek Fest

Wednesday, November 13, 2013  D- Day

Week Number 2 Preparing for the Greek Fest. We have shut down for a few weeks to prepare for the Greek Fest on November 21, 2013.

Objectives for the Day: As result of the lessons this day students will..

1.) Revise their need to know list to help drive their instruction for the week. Developed a New List of Need to Know for the Week
2.) Generate 80 facts about Ancient Greece and modern day Greece to display during the Greek Festival.
3.) Create a map of ancient Greece and Modern Greece to be displayed at the Greek Fest. Students will label major cities and major bodies of water.
4.) Research types of Greek Theater masks to display around the theater space. Students will create a model of a Greek Theater masks. Write a list of uses for the Greek masks.
5.) Learn how to make the Parthenon look marble using the sponging technique.

Thursday, November 14, 2013   E- Day

Week Number 2 Preparing for the Greek Fest. We have shut down for a few weeks to prepare for the Greek Fest on November 21, 2013.

Objectives for the Day: As result of the lessons this day students will..

1.) Revise their Driving Question:  How do we teach people about the contributions of the Greeks to science?

2.) Generate 80 facts about Ancient Greece and modern day Greece to display during the Greek Festival.
3.) Create a map of ancient Greece and Modern Greece to be displayed at the Greek Fest. Students will label major cities and major bodies of water.
4.) Research how the Greeks contributed to science. Students will create a visual that teaches the public about the Greeks created Science fields: Botnay, Biology, Inventions, Public Works, Zoology and Earth Science. 
5.)Complete the pediment of the Parthenon.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday and Tuesday 11/11/13-11/12/13

Mr. Bish
Lesson Plans  for the Week of 11/11/13-11/15/13

Monday:  No School in observance of Veteran's Day

Take a moment and thank a veteran for their service to this country.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013, C Day : Beginning of the 2nd Quarter

Week Number 2 Preparing for the Greek Fest. We have shut down for a few weeks to prepare for the Greek Fest on November 21, 2013.

Objectives for the Day: As result of the lessons this day students will..

1.) Revise their need to know list to help drive their instruction for the week.
2.) Generate 80 facts about Ancient Greece and modern day Greece to display during the Greek Festival.
3.) Create a map of ancient Greece and Modern Greece to be displayed at the Greek Fest. Students will label major cities and major bodies of water.
4.) Research types of Greek Theater masks to display around the theater space. Students will create a model of a Greek Theater masks.
5.) Learn how to make the Parthenon look marble using the sponging technique.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lesson Plans for the Week of 10/28/13-11/1/12

Mr. Bish Lesson Plans
Grade 6
Week of October 28,2013- November 1, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013 E- Day

Objectives As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Participate in Monday Morning Meeting. by working in collaborative groups to build create a version of Pollis:  A Greek Board game to be played at the Greek Festival 
2.) Review content from the previous week and learn the objectives for the coming week.
3.) Work in collaborative groups to generate a list of ways that STEM students can greet people in a professional manner.
4.) Listen a presentation by Officer PJ Barnes as he talks about his career and the steps that he took to accomplish his goals.
5. ) Interview for Greek Fest Jobs

Activity: Monday Morning Meeting Protocol
Interview for Greek Fest Jobs: Students present resumes and answer questions about their selected career field for employment.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013  F- Day
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Collaborate and review their notes on Thunderstorms, Hurricanes, Winter Storms, and Tornadoes.
2.) Transfer their notes from their notes to graphic organizers and plan there Power Point Presentations
3.) Create a Power Point that presents their content that they have mastered to the class.

Learning Activity: Transfer notes to graphic organizer planning pages.  Organizers will include a heading, content, and ideas for visual aids.

Learning Outcome:  Begin imputing information from their organizer to their Power Point Presentation.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013  A- Day 
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Work in groups to finalize and an animate there Power Point Presentation on Thunderstorms, Tornadoes,Hurricanes and Snowstorms.
2.) Practice presenting Power Points for Presentation on Thursday.

Learning Activity: Students will work in cooperative groups to complete there Power Point that educates their classmates about the types of storms. Presentations will have five slides which are broken down into title pages, description an explanation of how the storm forms, storm damage and storm safety. Students will add visuals to assist in presentations.  

Thursday, October 31, 2013  B- Day 

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will....
1. ) Present their Power Points to their classmates about types of storms.
2.) Generate questions about the storms and comment on the presentations.
3.) Distinguish which type of storm would be the most destructive.

Learning Activity/ Outcome: Students will present their Power Points to classmates. Students will share experience working on the Power Point and ask questions about storms. 

Friday, November 1, 2013 C- Day

STEM project !!!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Plans for the Week of 10/21-10/25

Mr. Bish' Grade 6 Science Lesson Plans for the Week of October 21- October 25, 2013

Lesson Focus: Greeks and a Scientific Explanation of Storms

Monday, October 21, 2013, A- Day  Red Ribbon Week: Wear Red
Picture Retakes 8:00-11:30

Objectives As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Participate in Monday Morning Meeting. by working in collaborative groups to build a structure using only 20 pieces of spaghetti, thirty-six inches of masking tape, and a length of string.
2.) Review content from the previous week and learn the objectives for the coming week.
3.) Work in collaborative groups to generate a list of ways that STEM students can greet people in a professional manner.

Activity: Monday Morning Meeting Protocol

Tuesday, October 22, 2013, B- Day

Lesson Focus: Connecting Greek Mythology to Science Day One:

Objectives of the Lesson: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Identify the characteristics of myths.
2.) Work in small groups to read the story of Gaea and The Titans
3.) Identify the creation of Greek Gods and Goddess by the Greeks as an explanation of natural occurrences in their world.
4.) Explain why Greeks chose to use myths to explain natural occurrences in nature.

Lesson Activity: Students will have an introduction to D'aulries Book of Greek Myths, by reading the story of mother earth Gaea and her relationship to Uranus. Students will then answer guiding questions to help them further understand the relationship between Gaea and Uranus.  After students have read this story they will read the story of the Titans as offspring of Gaea and  Uranus.  Students will then explain why the three sons; Thunder, Lighting and Thunderbolt were the perfect names for the cyclopes. Students will then discuss why Uranus would throw these three sons into the Titarus.  Student will then complete terms on page 80-85 in their science text to gain background knowledge about storms.

Learning Outcome: Students read the discuss the story of Gaea and the Story of the Titans.  Define the storms terms on pages 80-85

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 C -Day
Objectives for the Day: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Identify what elements make a thunderstorm after watching the Video: What makes a Thunderstorm?
2.) Define terms from pages 80-85.
3.) Work In Cooperative Groups to learn about: Thunderstorms, Tornadoes,Winter Storms and Hurricanes.
4.) Begin planning Power Point Presentations citing information from their selected storm.

Learning Activity; Teacher will demonstrate how to create a Power Point: Teacher will demonstrate how to choose a slide, enter information and animate the presentation . Teacher will also model how to input visuals. Students work in cooperative groups to get the gist of their selected storm.  Assign group members sections to become experts on.
Learning Outcome: Students will choose a section to become an expert on and cite specific information they want to include in their Power Point.

Thursday, October 24, 2013 D- Day
Objective for the Day:  Work in cooperative groups and share information that you would like to see on your slide and give feedback about what should be added or removed.

Notes: 8:15-10:20 Group Lesson ELA - Santamore presenting on Eras of Greek history.

Fridaty, October 25, 2013 - No School

Monday, October 14, 2013

Lesson Plans for the Week of October 14- October 18, 2013

Mr. Bish's
  Lesson Plans for the Week of  October 14, 2013- October 18, 2013

Focus: Science: Weather and Climate: Chapter 1 Sections 2, 3, 4

Monday, October 14 , 2013  - No School in Observance Columbus Day and Canadian Thanksgiving

Tuesday, October 15, 2013  C- Day
Lesson Focus: Weather Factors: Pages  10- 14
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Identify some of the properties of air
2.) Name the instruments that are used to measure air pressure
3.) Explain how increasing the altitude affects air pressure and density

Learning Activity: Students will work in cooperative groups to define the following terms: density, pressure, air pressure, barometer, mercury barometer, aneroid barometer , altitude. Teacher the difference between mass and weight,  Mass : the amount of matter in an object. Weight- the measure of how gravity pulls on an object. Read pages 10 - 14  and complete guided notes. Students will teach each other concepts and explain the concept of how increasing altitude affects air pressure.

Student Activity: Work in groups to complete the guided notes and define terms.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013  D- Day
Lesson Focus: Layers of the Atmosphere:  Pages 16-21
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Identify the four main layers of the atmosphere .
2.) Describe the characteristics of each of the layers of the atmosphere

Learning Activity:  Students will preview the figure on page 17. Create two questions that they may have about the diagram.  Students will define:  troposphere , stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, exosphere.   Read pages 18-21 and write down ways to explain  the characteristics of the  layers of the atmosphere. Compare the layers of the atmosphere.
Learning Outcome:  Students will identify the four layers if the atmosphere  and explain the differences between each layer of the atmosphere.

Thursday, October 17, 2013 E- Day
Lesson Focus: Review the layers of the atmosphere and create a visual model of the layers of the atmosphere.
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will
1.) Identify and explain each of the four major parts of the atmosphere
2.) Create a visual model of the layers of the atmosphere.
3.) Label each layer of the atmosphere and explain what each later does in their visual model

Learning Activity: Students will review the layers of the atmosphere that will be labeled with a title, labels of each layer and and explanation of each layer of the atmosphere.

Friday , October 18, 2013   F- Day
Lesson Focus: Air Quality- Pages 22-25
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will ...
1. Identify the causes of smog and acid rain
2. Describe what can be done to improve air quality

Learning Activity: Outline Air Quality by identifying sources of pollution : natural sources, human activity,
Smog and acid rain london- type smog, photo chemical smog and acid rain.  Come up with ways to improve air quality. Identify pollutants,sources and health effects.

Learning Outcome: Complete Outline, Provide explanation of pollutants and identify health risks.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Lesson Plans for the Week of 10/7/13-10/11/13

Mr. Bish
Grade 6
Lesson Plans for the Week of 10/7/13-10/11/14

Focus: Science: The Air Around Us

Monday, October 7, 2013  E- Day  National Bully Prevention Day: Wear  Blue to Stand Up to Bullying

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Participate in Monday Morning Meeting by:
      - Listening to their peers present the Morning Buzz
      - Discuss content from the previous week
      -Listen to guest speaker: PJ Burns as a he presents information about being a police officer, and conducting investigations, the importance of collecting evidence, not speculating, and the importance of establishing motive.
2.) Work in groups to complete their Good Food Choices vs Bad Food Choices poster presentation.
3.) Evaluate their work as a group and assign a grade for working on the poster project using a rubric.
4.) Listen to classmates STEM speeches and participate in STEM election process to elect officers.

Activities for the Day: Students will do the following:
Participate in Morning Meeting. Work in cooperative groups to complete their STEM posters. VOTE for STEM officers.

Learning Outcome: Students will complete morning meeting, elect student officers and complete and evaluate their Good Food Choices vs Bad Food Choices Posters.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013  F Day

Miss Hollis- Lesson: Atmosphere Beyond Earth

Objectives: As result of the lesson students will/...
1. Demonstrate prior knowledge by completing a K-W-L chart about they know about the atmosphere, what they want to learn and and what they learned from about the atmosphere.
2.) Work in cooperative groups to read the article Beyond the Earth's Atmosphere
3.) Summarize the information that they learned about the earth's atmosphere.

Activity: Students will complete KWL Chart, work in groups to read" Beyond the Earth's Atmosphere", summarize that they learned about the earth's atmosphere.

Learning Outcome: Produce KWL and summary of article.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013  A Day
Chapter 1 The Air Around Us: Pages 6-10

Objectives: Students will
1.) Describe the composition of the Earth's Atmosphere
2.) State how the atmosphere is important to living things

Learning Activity: Students work in cooperative groups to read pages 6-10  Teach composition of the Atmosphere.  Complete reading checkpoint on page 7 and 8

Key Points: Atmosphere is comprised mostly of  Oxygen and nitrogen. Living things need oxygen to survive.

Outcome: Students will read pages 6- describe the composition of the atmosphere and state why living things need oxygen to survive.

Homework Page 9  questions 1-4

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Plans for the Week of 9/30/13-10/4/13

Mr. Bish
Grade 6 Plans for the Week of 9/30/13-10/4/13 continued

Wednesday, 10/2/13   B Day

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will....
1.)  Cite evidence in a reading of All About Wolves: Hunting Behavior that support answers to comprehension questions.
2.) Use technology to define vocabulary words from All About Wolves. Define Terms, Identify synonyms, antonyms, and create sentence that uses to the words in the correct context.
3.) Present vocabulary  four square to classmates.

Activity: Vocabulary Four Square: Group work on All About Wolves.

Learning Outcome: Students will create a four square that defines terms, synonyms, antonyms, and sentence used in correct context.

Thursday, 10/3/13 C Day

Objectives: Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will....
1.) Attend a production of Peter Pan at Massena High School.
2.) Discuss aspects of the performance the students enjoyed, did not enjoy, creatively what they noticed.

Split Classes:  Bish Team with Barkley for writing .  Santamore's Students prep for assessment Friday.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Plans for the Week of 9-30- 2013-10-4- 2013

Mr. Bish's Plans
Week of 9-30-13 to 10-4-13

Monday 9/30/13  F- Day

OBJECTIVES: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Participate in Monday Morning Meeting in Mr. Barkley's Room.  During the meeting students will

- listen to the Morning Buzz presented by students
- learn objectives for a week
-listen to a presentation by Mr. Matt and Ben from 96.5 radio station.
- generate questions to ask Mr. Mat and Ben about their career in radio.

2.) Demonstrate knowledge of All About Wolves Pack Behavior

Student Activity: Quiz on Pack behavior 1-7 using evidence to support answers

Outcome: Students will participate in Morning Meeting and complete knowledge of pack behavior assessment.

Tuesday:  10/1/13 Happy October    A Day

OBJECTIVES: As a result of the lesson students will...
1. Work together in cooperative groups to get the gist from each paragraph about wolves hunting behavior.
2. Present what they learned about wolves to the class.
3. Present vocabulary words and their meanings using context clues and definitions.

Student Activity:  Students will work in groups to identify the main ideas ( gist ) from reading the paragraphs. Students present the content that they learned to the members of the classroom. Students will also instruct students about the vocabulary words from the text.

Outcome: Students will teach classmates using summary of the paragraph.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weekly Plans for 9-23-9-27

Thursday 9/26/ 13  D Day 

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will ....

1. Read All About Wolves in groups of four.
2. Identify the gist of paragraphs 8-12 by writing the gist of each paragraph

Students Activity:  

Students will read in groups of four and record the gist if each paragraph.  Students will answer the following guiding questions:

What do I learn about the topic as I read?

Text Based Question:  In paragraph 7-10 what do we learn about the behavior of alphas? 

Student Outcomes
Write down the gist for each paragraph.  Answer the text based question giving details about alpha behavior.

Friday: 9/27/13 E-Day 

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will..
1.Develop their own text-specific questions with which to analyze the text All About Wolves
2. Analyze text to create questions 

Student Activity:  Record information about the details on Analyzing Details Worksheet. Students select three details to copy and record their thinking.

Outcome: Create questions based in their Analyzing Details Worksheet.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekly Lesson Plans 9/23-9/27

Mr. Bish
Plans for the Week of :  9/23/13- 9/27/13

STEM/ Science/ Literacy         Weekly Focus:  ELA Close Reading and Analyzing Non-fiction Text
Common Core Standards Addressed:  RI.6. 1,2,6,9,  RL.6.1, 2,6, 9 

Monday    9/23/13       A Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Demonstrate knowledge of fluency, comprehension, rate, decoding, vocabulary skills by completing a running record with the teacher.
2. Read for their 25 book campaign 
Learning Activity:
Students will complete running record with the teachers. Read for their 25 Book Campaign. 

Learning Outcome:  Running Records/ Read for Book Campaign 

Tuesday     9/24/13      B Day Analyzing Details in  Non- Fiction Text- 

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Students will learn to analyze details as a key to discovering meaning.
2. Students will read, analyze, and compare texts.

Learning Activity: Read text # 5 
Students will analyze be introduced to the text. Complete the first part of a Questioning Text Worksheet.  Focus: Authors Perspective: What do the author's words cause me to see or feel? Students read the passage with the following as guided questions : What words or phrases are powerful or unique? 
Learning Outcome:
Students will work in groups to analyze the text and share information that they learned. 

Wednesday  9/ 25/ 13 C Day  Half Day: Dismissal at 12:00 Noon  

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Students will learn to analyze details as a key to discovering meaning.
2. Students will read, analyze, and compare texts.

Learning Activity:
Read text # 6  aloud to the students. Student will think about the question " What do the author's words cause me to see or feel?What words or phrases are powerful or unique? 
 Students will  record their responses and discuss what information the article presents.  Independently students will re-read text and highlight and underline phrases that stand put to them as the read.

Learning Outcome: Discuss and present findings from both articles. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Plans for the Week of : 9/16/13- 9/20/13

Mr. Bish

Plans for the Week of :  9/16/13- 9/20/13

STEM/ Science/ Literacy         Weekly Focus:  ELA Close Reading and Analyzing Non-fiction Text

Monday    9/16/13       B Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Participate in Monday Morning Meeting by listening to Mrs. Russell our guest speaker who will be talking about her experience cue working in education. Create a SIP form
2. Participate in a group activity by collaborating for and ELA activity presented by Mrs. Santamore.

Learning Activity: Group collaboration to produce a matrix connected to The Shrouded Myth . Context Clue activity. Students create definitions for Shrouded Myth 
Learning Outcome:  Groups will present final project to the group.

Tuesday     9/17/13      C Day Reading Closely for Details

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Reread A Brief History of Wolves in the United States
2. Identify the most important information for each paragraph.
3. Paraphrase the information that they learned from the reading.

Learning Activity: Reread A Brief History of Wolves in the United States in partners. Students will take turns reading. Students will then paraphrase what they learned from each paragraph.

Learning Outcome: Students will write down important information that they learned about the history of  wolves in the United States.

Wednesday  9/ 18/ 13  D Day Attending to Details in Multi- Media 

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Use guiding questions to look closely of details  in multi-media text and write a few sentences explaining someng that they learned.
2. Demostrate knowledge of A Breif History of Wolves by taking a quiz .

Learning Activity: students will watch a short video by David Owens Two Wolves. Students will view the video Two Wolves with put any background knowledge. Students will ask themselves , " what information or ideas does this text or video present." Discuss  observations  and discuss the differences between the two wolves within.

Learning Outcome:  discuss Two Wolves . Take a quiz demonstrating knowledge of A Breif History of Wolves in the United States

Thursday   9/19/13   E Day

 Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Observe Two Wolves and demonstrate knowledge of understanding of the Cherokee Legend.
2. Discuss the theme of how wolves are connected to the development of the Native American boy.
Learning Activity:Watch Two Wolves and answer comprehension questions about the legend.

Learning Outcome: Take a quiz and discuss the story of the Two Wolves by David Owen.

Friday    9/2013  A Day
Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…Present to the group their posters promoting the saving of the wolf. Students will share why they chose the image they did and the slogan they created. Students will justify the choice of their facts they chose to share with the observer. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mr. Bish

Plans for the Week of :  9/9/ 13- 9/13/13

STEM/ Science/ Literacy         Weekly Focus:  ELA Close Reading and Analyzing Non-fiction Text 

Monday    9/9/13       C Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Understand the purpose of close reading.
2. Establish a link between questioning,close examination,and deep understanding.
3. Learn the words evidence and analyze as part  of the process of close reading.
Learning Activity:
Come up with ways they can look at text and gather information.

Learning Outcome:  Students will preview text before jumping into the unit. Complete a KWL about wolves.

Tuesday     9/10/13      D Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Students are going to orient themselves to the idea of attending to details through examine images.
Learning Activity:
Students will analyze images 1-5  by in groups. Students will also generate five captions for each picture. Students will then justify why their caption is appropriate for each picture.
Learning Outcome:
Students will present their five captions to each group member and discuss they choice for each caption.

Wednesday  9/ 11/ 13  E Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
Students wil use guiding questions to look closely for details  in a text.
Learning Activity:
Read text # 2 aloud to the students. Student will think about the question " what information or ideas does the text present.  Students will  record their responses and discuss what information the article presents.  Independently students will re-read text and highlight and underline phrases that stand put to them as the read.

Learning Outcome: Students will paraphrase informantion that they learns from the text.

Thursday   9/12/13   F Day

 Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Students will use guiding questions to look closely for details Ina multi-media text and write a few sentences explaining come thing that they have learned.

Learning Activity: 
Students will watch the David Owens video . Student will ask themselves  " what information or Ida's does this text present.

Learning Outcome: Record key details that they learned from the multi-media video. Format will include  column notes, sharing important information, and justification why this information is important.

Friday    9/13/13  A Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…

Learning Activity:

Learning Outcome:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Weekly Plans for the week of September 5, 2013- September 6, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will....

1.)  Learn and practice the rituals and routines for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Rituals will include:
       - hallway behavior and expectations
       - locker procedures
       - combination lock and locking procedures
       -classroom rules and expectations
       - homework policies
       - class switching
       - schedule changes and class rotation
        - fire drill procedures
        - technology requirements an use in the STEM program
         - homework and class work expectations and policies
    2.) Discuss and generate a list of classroom expectations for students and teacher.

    3.) Create a visual four square that represents each of the students.

     4.) Complete an interest inventory. Discuss with peers similarities in regard to the interest inventory.

  STEM Meeting
Students will meet as a large group to discuss the expectations of then STEM program.

- students will gather  and learn about the five bs of the STEM program. Teachers will model group work  using the five  behavioral expectations.
- teachers will have students evaluate their group work.
- students will work in groups create visuals that represent the five bs.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Science and non-fiction objectives

Students will .....
1.)  Preview the science curriculum and share what they know about climate and weather.

2.  Share background knowledge about non- fiction literature.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Things to Keep in Mind


The 1st day of school is quickly approaching. Before we know it we will be racing down the road in pursuit of knowledge and understanding.  We have been working hard all summer to get ready for the year and we are eager to have you in our classrooms.  Here are a few things to keep in mind before we start on Thursday, August 5, 2013.

Important Reminders

-Students coming into the sixth grade a required to have their TDAP immunization prior to the first day of school.  If your child has not received their required TDAP or have proof of a scheduled appointment by August 5, they will not be allowed to attend school until they have received this immunization.

- You need to have ALL of your required back to school supplies before coming to school. These will not be provided for you by the school so make sure you have your supplies before the year begins.  ( Walmart, Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, The Dollar Tree, BJs , Family Dollar are running specials currently.) If you need a list of supplies, please go to the Middle School Website for information.

- On Wednesday, August 21, 2013, there will be an informational meeting about STEM for parents in the High School Auditorium at 6:00 pm.  The meeting will offer a STEM overview, a question and answer period,introduction to the staff, and information will be presented about the year.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Click on the icon above
Objectives for the Week of  August 12

Prepare for the 2013-2014 academic year

September is almost here!


I am so excited to be starting the school year in a few weeks.  I am eager to get back into the swing of things. We have a lot of learning to do this year and I know that we are going to be working hard this year.
Here are a few things that I need you to do before the first day of school.

- Make sure that you have ALL of the supplies needed for the school year. ( Walmart ,Dollar Tree, Staples, Office Depot etc. are running back to school specials this month )
- Read the newspaper, online blogs, magazines, classifieds, news articles, non-fiction literature before the school year.
-  Be ready to be an active learner.
- Be ready to work hard!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Objectives for the Week of June 24 -June 28, 2013

The STEM team will meet three days to come up with:
- schedules
-behavioral expectations
- philosophy
- parent forms
- teacher panel
-grading policy
- uniform discipline
- teaching practices
- tech needs
-professional resources
-academic language


Teachers will meet with Kathy Hughes from SUNY Potsdam to begin planning for the 2013-2014 academic year.