Friday, September 13, 2013

Plans for the Week of : 9/16/13- 9/20/13

Mr. Bish

Plans for the Week of :  9/16/13- 9/20/13

STEM/ Science/ Literacy         Weekly Focus:  ELA Close Reading and Analyzing Non-fiction Text

Monday    9/16/13       B Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Participate in Monday Morning Meeting by listening to Mrs. Russell our guest speaker who will be talking about her experience cue working in education. Create a SIP form
2. Participate in a group activity by collaborating for and ELA activity presented by Mrs. Santamore.

Learning Activity: Group collaboration to produce a matrix connected to The Shrouded Myth . Context Clue activity. Students create definitions for Shrouded Myth 
Learning Outcome:  Groups will present final project to the group.

Tuesday     9/17/13      C Day Reading Closely for Details

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Reread A Brief History of Wolves in the United States
2. Identify the most important information for each paragraph.
3. Paraphrase the information that they learned from the reading.

Learning Activity: Reread A Brief History of Wolves in the United States in partners. Students will take turns reading. Students will then paraphrase what they learned from each paragraph.

Learning Outcome: Students will write down important information that they learned about the history of  wolves in the United States.

Wednesday  9/ 18/ 13  D Day Attending to Details in Multi- Media 

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Use guiding questions to look closely of details  in multi-media text and write a few sentences explaining someng that they learned.
2. Demostrate knowledge of A Breif History of Wolves by taking a quiz .

Learning Activity: students will watch a short video by David Owens Two Wolves. Students will view the video Two Wolves with put any background knowledge. Students will ask themselves , " what information or ideas does this text or video present." Discuss  observations  and discuss the differences between the two wolves within.

Learning Outcome:  discuss Two Wolves . Take a quiz demonstrating knowledge of A Breif History of Wolves in the United States

Thursday   9/19/13   E Day

 Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Observe Two Wolves and demonstrate knowledge of understanding of the Cherokee Legend.
2. Discuss the theme of how wolves are connected to the development of the Native American boy.
Learning Activity:Watch Two Wolves and answer comprehension questions about the legend.

Learning Outcome: Take a quiz and discuss the story of the Two Wolves by David Owen.

Friday    9/2013  A Day
Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…Present to the group their posters promoting the saving of the wolf. Students will share why they chose the image they did and the slogan they created. Students will justify the choice of their facts they chose to share with the observer. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mr. Bish

Plans for the Week of :  9/9/ 13- 9/13/13

STEM/ Science/ Literacy         Weekly Focus:  ELA Close Reading and Analyzing Non-fiction Text 

Monday    9/9/13       C Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Understand the purpose of close reading.
2. Establish a link between questioning,close examination,and deep understanding.
3. Learn the words evidence and analyze as part  of the process of close reading.
Learning Activity:
Come up with ways they can look at text and gather information.

Learning Outcome:  Students will preview text before jumping into the unit. Complete a KWL about wolves.

Tuesday     9/10/13      D Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Students are going to orient themselves to the idea of attending to details through examine images.
Learning Activity:
Students will analyze images 1-5  by in groups. Students will also generate five captions for each picture. Students will then justify why their caption is appropriate for each picture.
Learning Outcome:
Students will present their five captions to each group member and discuss they choice for each caption.

Wednesday  9/ 11/ 13  E Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
Students wil use guiding questions to look closely for details  in a text.
Learning Activity:
Read text # 2 aloud to the students. Student will think about the question " what information or ideas does the text present.  Students will  record their responses and discuss what information the article presents.  Independently students will re-read text and highlight and underline phrases that stand put to them as the read.

Learning Outcome: Students will paraphrase informantion that they learns from the text.

Thursday   9/12/13   F Day

 Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Students will use guiding questions to look closely for details Ina multi-media text and write a few sentences explaining come thing that they have learned.

Learning Activity: 
Students will watch the David Owens video . Student will ask themselves  " what information or Ida's does this text present.

Learning Outcome: Record key details that they learned from the multi-media video. Format will include  column notes, sharing important information, and justification why this information is important.

Friday    9/13/13  A Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…

Learning Activity:

Learning Outcome: