Monday, April 27, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of 4/27/15-5/1/15

Lesson Plans for the Week of 4/27/15-5/1/15
Mr. Bish
Science/ Non- Fiction Literacy

FOCUS of the Week

Earth Waters:  Water Cycle

Monday, April 27, 2015 - D- Day

Monday Morning Meeting Procedure

STEM Council- Team Building Activity- Human Knot- Students will collaborate a work together to untangle themselves while not breaking their grip.

SPECIAL SPEAKER and Presenter- Amanda Ellsworth - Park Ranger - Wildlife Preserve in Houston Texas.

Amanda will share her educational background with student and share her experience working with the american alligator.

Science Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...

1.) Demonstrate prior knowledge by taking a pre assessment of the waters of the earth.
2.) Use tables and graphs to articulate make up of all of the waters around the world.

    Lesson Overview- Pages 1-6

Students will learn the breakdown of the earth's waters. Students will watch the videos and focus on the make up of the earth's waters.

Evidence of Learning: Students will share the make up of the earth's waters

Tuesday, April 28, 2015 E- Day

Lesson Focus:  Types of Precipitation and Water Cycle

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will.....

1.) Distinguish between the different types of precipitation
2.) Use tables and charts to explain the different parts of the water cycle.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015 F- Day

Focus: Types of Weathering