Sunday, November 30, 2014

Lesson Plans for the Week of 12/1/2014- 12/5/2014

Lesson Plans for the Week of 12/1/2014- 12/5/2014 
Mr. Bish Grade 6 STEM 
Science/ Non- Fiction Literacy 

Monday, December 1, 2014 B- Day 

Monday Morning Meeting  Procedure:

 Students will make their way down to the LGI room and participate in Monday Morning Meeting. Students will listen  and actively participate in the meeting. During the meeting students will do the following.
- Greeting - In preparing for the year the students have been working on professional greetings. student have been learning to introduce themselves by making eye contact, shaking hands in a professional manner, clearly saying their names and actively listening.
- Morning Buzz- Students will participate int he interactive news segment of the Monday Morning Meeting. During this time students will learn objectives for the week, review previously taught content, current events, weather and self- reflection.
- Guest Speaker- This week students will listen to Mrs. Russell our middle school principal to learn about her career as an educator and the importance of education and working hard at a career.

Water in the Atmosphere Pages 54-60
Science Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will ...
1. Describe humidity and how it is measured.
2. Explain how clouds form 
3. Create a visual that classifies the three types of clouds.

Water Cycle:  What are the two ways water travels back down to the earth?  Rain and Snow

Water in the Atmosphere Vocabulary : Pages 54-59
Directions:  Read the definitions for each word and rewrite the definition in out own words.
Water Cycle- the movement of water between the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface.
evaporation- the process by which water molecules in liquid water escape into the air was water vapor.
humidity- the measure of the amount of water vapor in the air.
relative humidity – the percentage of water in the air vapor that is actually in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a particular temperature.
psychrometer- an instrument used to measure the relative humidity.
condensation- molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid .
dew point- the temperature at which condensation begins.
Lesson  Procedure:  
Students will work in cooperative groups and read page 57. Students will answer the question.  What are the two factors that are required for condensation to occur?  The cooling of the air and the presence of particles in the air, or a solid surface on which to condense.   Students will then fold a paper into three sections and label them  cirrus clouds, cumulus clouds  and stratus clouds. Student will describe them and  explain how they are formed. Students will then create a visual of each type of cloud. 

Evidence of Learning: Student will three fold of the types of clouds. 

Cirrus Cloud
Cumulus Cloud
Stratus Cloud
Wispy, feathery, with hooked ends.

How they Form:
Form at high levels where temperatures are very low. Since the temp is low the clouds are made up mostly of ice crystals.

Look fluffy , rounded piles of cotton

How they Form:
Form 2 km above the earth they grow in size as they rise . Form on clear days  also right before thunderstorms.

Spread out across the sky, gray, uniform, thicken

How they Form:
Form in the flat layers
Thicken and produce drizzle and rain.

Tuesday , December 2, 2014 , C - Day 

Precipitation:  Pages 61-65 

What are the four types of precipitation?  
How does rain form?  How does sleet form? How does snow form? How is hail formed?  How does temperature determine the type of precipitation?

Objectives : As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Identify the common types of precipitation.
2.) describe how precipitation is measured.

Precipitation Vocab- Pages 61-65
Precipitation – any form of water that falls from clouds to the Earth’s surface.
drought – Long periods of low precipitation.
cloud seeding- Tiny crystals of silver iodine and dry ice are sprayed into clouds
rain gauge – an open ended can or tube that collects rain fall.

Lesson Students will watch the videos above and answer the questions below.  Students will them read pages 62-63 and create a visual that helps them remember the types of precipitation and how each type if formed. They can make a poster, powerpoint or a book about types of precipitation.

Include Name of Precipitation
Explanation of how it is formed
Visual with Color
Types of Precipitation
Freezing Rain


Small Drops of Water

How it Forms: 
Form when droplets of water and mist collide in the atmosphere

Size:5 mm

Rain drops that freeze into  solid particles

How it Forms
Fall through a layer of air that is below freezing.
Size: Vary in Size

Small raindrops falling that freeze when they hit the ground.

How it Forms
Droplets fall through cold air . When they hit a surface they freeze into ice.
Size: Vary in Size

Vary in shapes and patterns, typically with have six sides.

How it Forms
Vapor is changed into ice crystals .
Size: Larger then 5mm

Round pellets made of ice.

How it Forms
Form inside a cumulonimbus cloud during thunderstorms.

Evidence of Learning: Students will produce visual that includes:

Include Name of Precipitation
Explanation of how it is formed
Visual with Color

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 , D- Day

Air Masses and Fronts  Pages 72-79

What are the four types of fronts? Stationary, cold, occluded, warm,

- Cite evidence about maritime tropical, maritime polar, continental tropical, and continental tropical.
- identify four types of fronts( cold, warm, occluded, stationary)

Project Due Monday, December 8, 2014 

Frontbook Profile -

Students pick a front.
Create a Frontbook Profile for a front.

Frontbook Project: Make a poster, make a small poster, make a digital copy
Due Monday, December 8, 2014

You are going to create a “Facebook” type profile for your selected front. You may choose warm front, cold front, occluded front, or stationary front. 

You must include:

Frontbook Icon – Create one!

Fronts Name: Include a Picture

Location: Where it occurs or comes from.

Types of Masses:  Warm and Cold –

Description of the front and how the masses move to create this front.

Include Hobbies and Sports- Example- Likes to create a thunderstorm in the mid-west.

Include a Post- Like Stationary front is standing around producing rain.

Include a Friends List- Make sure the friends are science related. (Cumulous Cloud, Stratus Cloud, Atmosphere)

Here is a sample of things you can include.


Thursday, December 4, 2014 D Day - Friday, December 5, 2014 E- Day

Objectives : As a result of the lesson students will...
1. Work in cooperative groups to create a presentation about different types of storms.
2. Use digital text, science text and videos to gain content knowledge about; thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and snowstorms.
3. Create a presentation to present on Monday, December 8, 2014

STORM Project
Use these videos



Presentations need include the following content:

Description of the storm

Explanation how it forms- includes how different fronts and masses come together to form storm.

Identify where these storms occur geographically.

Explain what damage your selected storms cause.