Monday, October 14, 2013

Lesson Plans for the Week of October 14- October 18, 2013

Mr. Bish's
  Lesson Plans for the Week of  October 14, 2013- October 18, 2013

Focus: Science: Weather and Climate: Chapter 1 Sections 2, 3, 4

Monday, October 14 , 2013  - No School in Observance Columbus Day and Canadian Thanksgiving

Tuesday, October 15, 2013  C- Day
Lesson Focus: Weather Factors: Pages  10- 14
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Identify some of the properties of air
2.) Name the instruments that are used to measure air pressure
3.) Explain how increasing the altitude affects air pressure and density

Learning Activity: Students will work in cooperative groups to define the following terms: density, pressure, air pressure, barometer, mercury barometer, aneroid barometer , altitude. Teacher the difference between mass and weight,  Mass : the amount of matter in an object. Weight- the measure of how gravity pulls on an object. Read pages 10 - 14  and complete guided notes. Students will teach each other concepts and explain the concept of how increasing altitude affects air pressure.

Student Activity: Work in groups to complete the guided notes and define terms.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013  D- Day
Lesson Focus: Layers of the Atmosphere:  Pages 16-21
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Identify the four main layers of the atmosphere .
2.) Describe the characteristics of each of the layers of the atmosphere

Learning Activity:  Students will preview the figure on page 17. Create two questions that they may have about the diagram.  Students will define:  troposphere , stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, exosphere.   Read pages 18-21 and write down ways to explain  the characteristics of the  layers of the atmosphere. Compare the layers of the atmosphere.
Learning Outcome:  Students will identify the four layers if the atmosphere  and explain the differences between each layer of the atmosphere.

Thursday, October 17, 2013 E- Day
Lesson Focus: Review the layers of the atmosphere and create a visual model of the layers of the atmosphere.
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will
1.) Identify and explain each of the four major parts of the atmosphere
2.) Create a visual model of the layers of the atmosphere.
3.) Label each layer of the atmosphere and explain what each later does in their visual model

Learning Activity: Students will review the layers of the atmosphere that will be labeled with a title, labels of each layer and and explanation of each layer of the atmosphere.

Friday , October 18, 2013   F- Day
Lesson Focus: Air Quality- Pages 22-25
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will ...
1. Identify the causes of smog and acid rain
2. Describe what can be done to improve air quality

Learning Activity: Outline Air Quality by identifying sources of pollution : natural sources, human activity,
Smog and acid rain london- type smog, photo chemical smog and acid rain.  Come up with ways to improve air quality. Identify pollutants,sources and health effects.

Learning Outcome: Complete Outline, Provide explanation of pollutants and identify health risks.