Sunday, January 11, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of 1/12/2015-1/16/2015
Mr. Bish 
Social Studies / STEM/ Non- Fiction Literacy 

Unit: Ancient Mesopotamia

Monday, January 12, 2014  C- Day 

Monday Morning Meeting Procedure

 Students will make their way down to the LGI room and participate in Monday Morning Meeting. Students will listen  and actively participate in the meeting. During the meeting students will do the following.
- Greeting - In preparing for the year the students have been working on professional greetings. student have been learning to introduce themselves by making eye contact, shaking hands in a professional manner, clearly saying their names and actively listening.
- Morning Buzz- Students will participate int he interactive news segment of the Monday Morning Meeting. During this time students will learn objectives for the week, review previously taught content, current events, weather and self- reflection. ( Focus of the Lesson Health- Hygiene)

Speaker - Jack Johnson - Traditional Lacrosse Stick Maker- Shares his experience being and artisan.
Science Fair
At the Science Fair 

Science Buddies - Online step by step guide to the science fair.
Objectives- As a result of the lesson students will...

Generate a question to focus their science experiment.
Write down the groups question that will drive their project.

Lesson Overview- Students will recall the steps of the scientific method.  Ask a question, do background research, construct a hypothesis, test hypothesis by doing an experiment, analyze data and reach a conclusion, and communicate results. Students will be introduced to the scientific notebook. Using the following link:Notebook

Evidence of Learning- Student will create question that will drive their research experiment.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - D- Day
Science Fair: Background Research Plan

2 Hour Delay

Objectives Students will

Learn the criteria for conducting a science fair experiment.
Learn the criteria for doing a topics presentation
As a group come up with three ideas for either a topics presentation or topics presentation

Click on the following link:

Criteria for Science Experiment

Criteria for Topics Presentation

Learning Outcome:
Students will decide if they would like to do a topics presentation or experiment.
Students generate a list 3 experiment ideas.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 E- Day
Science Fair -Asking a driving question.
Objective: Students will

Use the words: who, what, where, when,why, how, does to generate questions that will drive the research paper.

Work in cooperative groups to generate six questions to drive research papers.

Complete graphic organizer for background research plan.
Background Research Plan  - Graphic Organizer

Sample Research Questions:  Models

Students work in groups to complete graphic organizers to drive research. Due 1/1/15

Thursday, January 15, 2015 F- Day
Science Fair - Writing

Use the words: who, what, where, when,why, how, does to generate questions that will drive the research paper.

Work in cooperative groups to generate six questions to drive research papers.

Complete graphic organizer for background research plan.
Background Research Plan  - Graphic Organizer

Sample Research Questions:  Models

Students work in groups to complete graphic organizers to drive research. Due 1/16/15
Friday, January 16, 2015 A - Day
Science Fair - Research Paper