Sunday, December 6, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of December 8, 2015 -December 11, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of December 8, 2015 -December 11, 2015
Mr. Bish
Grade Six/ Science- STEM Program

Science Topic- Scientific Method

Driving Question: How do we as STEM students use the scientific method to conduct and experiment that offers a real world solution?

Monday, December 7,2015
A- Day   Band Day

Lesson  1- Scientific Method
Objective- As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Learn the Steps of the Scientific Method
2.) Students will record the steps of the Scientific Method
3.) Students will identify the behavior of students during the science fair at the white house Site for the Science Fair
Steps of the Scientific Method

Lesson Overview: Students will learn the steps of the Scientific Method using the Science Buddies website.  The steps are:

  • Ask a Question 
  • Do Background Research 
  • Create a Hypothesis
  • Test the Hypothesis by doing and Experiment 
  • Collect and Analyze Data 
  • Present Findings

Students will then watch the Science Fair at the White House and identify the behaviors of the students at the beginning, middle and end of the science fair.

Closure: Review steps of the Scientific Method

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
B- Day
Lesson 2 - Scientific Method Review
1.) Review the steps of the scientific method.
2.) Create visual flow chart that teaches the steps of the scientific method Site for the Science Fair

Lesson Overview: Students will review the steps of the scientific method from the previous day. students will use the science buddies overview to learn detailed overview of each step.

detailed overview of the scientific method

Students will create a visual for each of the steps of the Scientific Method.

Homework: Complete visual of the steps of the Scientific Method.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
C- Day
Scientific Method - Quiz - Students will demonstrate knowledge of the Scientific Method by putting the steps in order. Site for the Science Fair

Lab 1- Quarter Lab- Essential Question- Does a quarter

Objective: Students will..
1.) Create a hypothesis for the Quarter Lab.
2.) Conduct the Quarter Lab with a partner.
3.) Collect data for each trial of the quarter lab.

Lesson Overview:

Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the Scientific Method by completing an assessment.
Students will then learn how to conduct and experiment using the Scientific Method.  Students will learn how a question drives an experiment. Students will learn about a hypothesis, and educated guess based on research and observations. Students will conduct the experiment through teacher modeling.  Students will collect data.

Thursday, December 10, 2015
D- Day
Lab 2 - Paper Air Plane Lab- Essential Question- Does the design of a paper airplane effect how far it travels ? Site for the Science Fair
Friday, December 11, 2015
E - Day Site for the Science Fair

Monday, November 16, 2015

Lesson Plan November 16, 2015- November 20, 2015

Lesson Plan November 16, 2015- November 20, 2015
Mr. Bish
Science/ Social Studies - Nonfiction Literacy

Driving Question: How do we a grade six students create a museum that educates the school and community about ancient civilizations?

New York State ELA Module-

Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief

Monday, November 16, 2015 A- Day

ELA Block

Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief- Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Summary

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 B- Day

ELA Block

Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief- Chapter 19
Chapter 19 Summary

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - C- Day

ELA Block

Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief- Chapter 20
Chapter 20 Summary

Thursday, November 19, 2015 - D- Day -

Half Day - Parent Teacher Conferences - Dismissal at 12:00

Conferences - 12:30-3:15-  Scheduled- 4-6 Open Conferences

 ELA Block -

Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief- Chapter 21
Chapter 21 Summary

Friday, November 20, 2015 - E- Day
ELA Block

Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief- Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Summary

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of November 9, 2015- November 13, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of November 9, 2015- November 13, 2015
Mr. Bish
Social Studies/ Science Non- Fiction Literacy
Night at the Museum Project

Driving Question:

 How do we as grade six students create a museum that teaches the school and community about the ancient civilizations?

Monday, November 9 , 2015 C- Day

ELA -  Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief

Chapter 13


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 D- Day
ELA - Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief


Chapter 14

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

No School

Veteran's Day-  Day to honor of veterans who have served this country.

Thursday, November 12, 2015 E- Day
ELA - Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief

Chapter 15



Friday, November 13, 2015  F- Day

ELA - Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief

Chapter 16



Monday, November 2, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of November 2, 2015- November 6, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of November 2, 2015- November 6, 2015
Mr Bish
Social Studies and Science- Literacy

Project Mode: Night at the Museum

Driving Question: How do we as grade six students create a museum that teaches the school and community about the ancient civilizations?

Monday, November 2, 2015
D- Day- Chorus Day
Monday Morning Meeting:

Project Time:
Teachers will announce jobs and civilizations to students based on interviews and submission of resumes. Students will be responsible for reporting to departments for jobs training and research training.  Students will then break into civilizations.

Objectives for Monday:

ELA - Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief- Chapter Eight.

Chapter 8 Summary

Department: Teacher will instruct departments of responsibilities within departments. Teacher will instruct the government and civic experts and the theologians to establish a driving question within their departments.  Students will record driving question in their notes. Departments will then generate a list of need to know questions.

Evidence of Learning:

Write driving question.
Generate a need to know list

Tuesday, November 3, 2015
E- Day

ELA - Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief- Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Summary

Teach: SEARCH Database: Teacher will demonstrate how to use database to find information about a topic.

Search Database

Government: Students will identify the type of government their civilization had. Students will then summarize how their government worked within their society.

Theologians: Students will learn their civilizations creation story. Summarize creation story and plan to how they will tell it.

Civilizations: Departments will share and beging working on their installations.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

ELA - Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief- Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Summary

Thursday, November 5, 2015
F- Day
ELA - Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief- Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Summary

Friday, November 6, 2015
A- Day

ELA - Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief- Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Summary

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of October 26, 2015- October 30, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of October 26, 2015- October 30, 2015
Mr. Bish
Science/ Social Studies - Literacy

Monday, October 26, 2015 E- Day

Project Launch: A Night at the Museum

Driving Question: How do we as grade six students create a museum that educates the community and school about ancient civilizations?

Project launch: Watch the video and be able to explain why museums were created? What is the value of having museums?  What do we learn from having museums?

Mrs. Oakes- Research Skills:  Mrs. Oakes will educate the students about how to use the Library SEARCH system to find information about ancient civilizations. Students will learn how to evaluate sources and ask research based  questions:

Olweus: Anti Bullying Project- How do we as students create a door decoration that promotes anit- bullying behavior with out using the word bully.  Students worked in groups to create their project ideas.
What are the four types of bullying?

Resume: Students will revise and edit their resumes to apply for departments on Thursday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - F- Day

Driving Question: How do we as grade six students create a museum that educates the community and school about ancient civilizations?

Objectives: Learning About Types of Government

Students will learn and discuss the importance of having a government to establish rules that are fair and to have consequences when people break these rules.

Students will identify the types of government. Explain what each types of government is made up of. Compare and contrast two types of government.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of October 19, 2015- October 23, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of October 19, 2015- October 23, 2015
Mr. Bish
Grade 6 STEM Science/Social Studies/ Non-fiction Literacy

Social Studies- Early Man -

Driving Question: How do we as students use our knowledge of academic vocabulary to create an assessment about early man?

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Morning Meeting

Guest Speaker ; Megan Marsh- Spoke to the students about her teaching experience in South Korea. Ms. Marsh shared about culture, geography, government, traditions and food. Students asked questions after her presentations.

LEAD Assembly- 9;45- Students were educated about making positive life choices and were encouraged to surround themselves with a positive system of support.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 - Early - Man B- Day

Academic Vocabulary-

Objectives- Students will..

1.) Work in collaborative groups to share their knowledge of academic vocabulary.
2.) Define verbs associated with their academic vocabulary.
3.) Present to their peers their level of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Read Pages 51-55 in teams to create two academic questions that use academic vocabulary.
Use Bloom's question stems to write test questions.

Evidence of Learning- Each group will write three questions using the first two levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 C- Day

Early Man- Vocabulary  Assessment

Students will....

1. Demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary terms for chapter 1 by completing a vocabulary assessment

2.) Generate three academic questions based on the content learning on page 51-55.

3.) Explain how stone tools were made and created.

Evidence of Learning -  Complete assessment of vocabulary terms. Complete and define terms for chapter 1 lesson 2. Early Farmers

Thursday, October 22, 2015  D- Day -

Half Day- Dismissal at 12:00

Objectives: Students will..

1.) Create assessment questions for early man assessment .

2.) word process questions with answer keys

Evidence: Create two multiple choice questions, and one short response questions with a sample answer.

Friday, October 23, 2015- No School for students.

Staff development day!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of October 12, 2015 -October 16, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of October 12, 2015 -October 16, 2015
Mr. Bish
Grade 6

Science/Social Studies Literacy
Focus: Earth's Changing Surfaces

Monday, October 12, 2015- NO SCHOOL

In observance of Canadian Thanksgiving and Columbus Day

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 C- Day - Band Day

Objectives: Students will

1.) Evaluate their individual work during the PBL project.
2.) Improve their "I wonder" on their project before evaluation.
3.) Review for Assessment

Activity: Students will use one of their I wonders from the critical friends protocol to make improvements on their project before submitting their final product for evaluation.  Review and reread for assessment on Wednesday.

Evidence of Learning- Assess work using rubric and complete self- reflection.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 D- Day

Assessment- Earth's Changing Surface

Objective: Students will..

Demonstrate knowledge of content about the Earth's surface by completing their final assessment.

Activity- Students will complete final assessment. Complete self- reflection.

Thursday, October 15, 2015 - E- Day

Project Based Learning: Social Studies- Launch of Early Man Unit .

Objectives: Students will...
1) Preview the chapter about early man pages 50-60.
2.) Record project driving question.
3.) Generate need to know list .

Activity: Introduce students to Early Man Unit. Students will look at pictures and record thins that they notice about early man.  Students will then create driving question and need to know list to start preparing for their Early Man Project.

Evidence of Learning : Record Driving Question: How do we as students use of knowledge of academic language to create an assessment, or test about Early Man?

Friday , October 16, 2015 - F-Day

Early Man- How do we as students use of knowledge of academic language to create an assessment, or test about Early Man?

Objectives for the lesson: As a result of the lesson students will...

1.) Review Driving Question
2.) Share needs to know list.
3.) Learn and Define - Levels of Blooms Taxonomy.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of 10/5/15-10/9/15

Lesson Plans for the Week of 10/5/15-10/9/15
Mr. Bish
Science STEM Grade 6

Unit: Rock Cycle- Types of Rocks

Monday, October 5, 2015

Focus: Building Knowledge About the Rock Cycle and Different Types of Rocks

Driving Question: How do we as students take the information we learned about the Rock Cycle and types of rocks and create a learning tool that teaches and offers resources for people to learn more about the rocks and rock cycle?

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will.

1.) learn the different steps of the rock cycle
2.) Identify the different types of rocks and explain how they are created.
3.) Organize information gained from resources.

Pages - 16-20- Earth's Changing Surface

The Rock Cycle Explained

Watch this video. Think about how all rocks are formed. Be read to share what you learned.

What are the three types of rocks and how are each of them formed?

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of September 28, 2015 - October 2, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of September 28, 2015 - October 2, 2015
Mr. Bish

Science/ Non- Fiction Literacy
Science: Unit - Earth's Changing Surfaces

Monday, September 28, 2015 - E- Day

Closure Activity for We've Got and App for That

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will..

1.) Evaluate their final product of the presentation.
2.) Identify strengths and areas of improvement  for their final project
3.) Evaluate themselves and how they did during the project.

Lesson Overview:
Students will complete their self- reflection where they will evaluate their work habits, time management, how they worked with peers, and how they contributed to their project.  Students will then look at their final product and evaluate strengths, and areas that need improvement.

Evidence of Learning : Students will complete their self- reflection and group commentary.

Tuesday. September 29, 2015 F- Day

Science Lesson: Earth's Changing Surface

Pages 4-7 Earth's Inside:
Watch this video and identify the layers of the earth surface:  Crust, Mantle, Outer Core and Inner Core

Objectives for the Lesson: As a result of the lesson students will....

1.) Identify the four layer of the earth. 
2.) Use literature to gain additional information about each layer of the earth 
3.) Determine the meaning of word using the read around strategy. Create a four square

Lesson Overview:Students will watch the video above and identify the layers of the earth. students will then use resources to identify additional information about each layer of the earth. Students will gather information and share out the information with the class.  Students will then learn how to define words by using the read around strategy. Four square Vocabulary

Define Word
Use it in a sentence 
Synonym - Another word for this word

Read Around:

Identify the bold word
Read the words before and after
Write down the definition

Evidence of Learning: Exit Ticket - Identify the four layers of the earth .  Define terms- volcano,continents by making a four square.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - A- Day

Pages 8-12 - Forces That Create Landforms

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...

1.)  Identify and distinguish between oceanic and continental plates 
2.) Explain what happens when a oceanic plates and continental plates collide.
3.) Explain the process that occurs when mountains and trenches form

Lesson Overview : Students will preview the video above. Students will learn that plates are moving around the earth's surface. Students will summarize what happens when oceanic and continental plates collide. Students will summarize what happens then oceanic plates combine.  Students will then watch the video below about earthquakes and how they form and occur.

Evidence of Learning: Summarize what happens when plates move and collide.
Define Terms: Make a four square for each word on pages 8-12 ;magma, plate tectonics 

Thursday, October 1, 2015 B- Day 

Lesson: Pages 13-18 Shaping Land Forms: 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of 9-14-15 to 9-18-15

Lesson Plans for the Week of 9-14-15 to 9-18-15
Mr. Bish
Social Studies/ Non-Fiction Literacy STEM

Unit- Geography- Project Based Learning
Driving Question: How do we as students create an app that will help teach people about world geography and geographic terms?

Monday, September 14, 2015 - A- Day
Lines of Latitude and Longitude

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1. Identify the major lines of latitude. Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, and the prime meridian.
2. Define Vocabulary Terms List 3 and 4
3.) Establish team for app and generate a list of need to know questions for project.

Lesson Overview:
Students will watch the video and identify the equator, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn.  Students will learn that these lines of latitude split the earth into hemispheres. Students will identify that the equator creates the northern and southern hemisphere. Prime Meridian separates the eastern and western hemisphere. Students will then use their books to define terms in list 3 and 4. Students will then organize their teams and report team members need to know questions.
Evidence of Learning/ Assessments: Identify equator, prime meridian, tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn. Students will then define terms from list 3 and 4 .

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - B- Day
PBL- We have and App for that!!!

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Create their app name.
2.) Come up with a description of their apps that explains what their app can do for a customer
3.) Write the app description.
Lesson Overview:
Students will look at a number of app created for teaching people geography. Students will look at the app names and product descriptions. Students will identify the key information that the description includes. Students will then take this information and come up with an app name and write a product description.

Evidence of Learning/ Assessments: Write product description and come up with an app name.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015- C- Day
PBL - We have an app for that!

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
Lesson Overview:
Evidence of Learning/ Assessments:

Thursday, September 17, 2015 - D- Day
Lesson Overview:
Evidence of Learning/ Assessments:

Friday, September 18, 2015 - E- Day
Lesson Overview:
Evidence of Learning/ Assessments:

Monday, September 7, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of September 7, 2015- September 11, 2015

Lesson Plans for Mr. Bish
Science and Social Studies Literacy

Mr. Bish

Monday, September 7, 2015

NO School in Observance of Labor Day

What is the reason for Labor Day?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 - C- Day 

Topic: Social Studies - Geography Pages 

Driving Question for Unit:  How do we as students create an app that will help and further educate people about word geography?

Based on this video, what is geography?

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Discuss and share common knowledge about geography and geographic terms
2.) Define vocabulary terms using social studies text.
3.) Record vocabulary terms in their notes 

Terms to Define: Page A-20 
basin, bay, bluff, canyon, cape, cataract, channel, cliff, coast, coastal plain, delta, desert, desert, dune, fall line

Lesson Overview: Students will be introduced to the teams driving question. Generate a needs to know list about what questions they need to know about geography. Learn how to record terms from text book. 

Evidence of Learning: Students will record driving question in their notes. Students will also define geographic terms part 1.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - D- Day 

Social Studies: Geography- Distinguishing between political and physical maps  
Terms to Define: Page A-20 

floodplain, foothills, glacier, gulf, hill, inlet, island, isthmus, lagoon, lake marsh 

Objectives: Students will...
1.) Learn to distinguish between political and physical maps. 
2.) identify key features of physical and political maps.
3.) Identify all continents and oceans

Lesson Overview:
Students watch the video above to learn about political and physical maps. Students will identify that political maps show borders, major cities and national capital. Students will then look at the maps on pages A-10-A15 to gather information from political maps. Students will then identify the traits of a physical map. Identify physical features; mountains, deserts, vegetation, rivers, lakes and streams. 

Evidence of Learning: Vocab Terms 2 A-20  Students can compare and contrast physical and political maps. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015 E- Day

Assessment: Vocab List 1-2 

Terms to Define: Page A-20 

mesa, mountain, mountain pass, mountain range, mouth of river, oasis, ocean, peak, peninsula, plain, plateau, reef, river, riverbank 


Lesson Overview:

Evidence of Learning:

Friday, September 11, 2015 
Take a moment and remember the men and woman who lost their lives on this tragic day.  

Terms to Define: Page A-20 
savanna, sea, sea level, slope, source of water, strait, swamp, timberline, tributary, valley, volcano, waterfall

Friday, August 28, 2015


Social Studies/ Science
Mr. Bish 
Grade 6 

Lesson Plans: Week of September 3, 2015 - September 4, 2015 

Monday, August 31, 2015

No School

Tuesday, September 1, 2015 

Superintendents Conference Day 1 

Teachers will prepare for the coming school year. 

Teachers will meet to plan curriculum and assessments for the coming school year.

Watch the following video

Here are some helpful hints to help students entering middle school.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Superintendents Conference Day 1 

Teachers will prepare for the coming school year. 

Teachers will meet to plan curriculum and assessments for the coming school year.

Thursday, September 3, 2015  - A Day 

Objectives for the day 

Students will......

Learn the rituals and routines for being part of the grade six STEM team.

Practice these rituals and routines.

Learn about working within the STEM program.

Learn the Five STEM Team Rules and Expectations for Learning 

How do I learn and open my combination lock?

STEM Team Rules and Expectations:

Be Responsible 

Be an Active Learner

Be a Positive Influence 

Be Prepared to Produce Results 

Be Respectful 

Activity: Students will ....

Work in cooperative groups to come up with what group work expectations need to be. Students will then come up with four to five rules for working in cooperative groups. Students will then be broken up into groups of 4 to 5 students. Students will be given of the STEM team rules and expectations. Each team will come up with:

An explanation of the rule to teach the class.

What does it look like? Three examples

What words should you hear?  Three examples

How does it make you feel? Three examples

Students will then create a visual to teach their peers with. Students will present tot he class. 

Evidence of Learning: Students will complete visual. Student will teach their peers. 

Friday, September 4,2015 

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...

Review rituals and routines learned the previous day.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of 6/8/15-6/12/15
Mr. Bish

Science/ Social Studies

Rescue Bots- STEM Project

Monday, June 15, 2015- F- Day

Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 - A- Day
Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 B- Day

Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

 Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.

Thursday, June 18, 2013 C Day
Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.

Friday, June 19 2015 D- Day
Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Lesson Plans for the Week of 6/8/15-6/12/15
Mr. Bish

Science/ Social Studies

Rescue Bots- STEM Project

Monday, June 8, 2015- A- Day

Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - B- Day
Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015 C- Day

Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

 Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.

Thursday, June 11, 2013 D Day
Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.

Friday, June 12, 2015 E- Day
Programmers Objectives: Students will

1.) Collaborate with different Departments to complete mission programming.

2.) Use NXT Mindstorm programming system to program three tasks for the robot demonstration.

3.) Document all three missions using the robot mission documentation.

Corporation Objectives: The Corporation will....

1.)Work as team to create a marketing plan for demonstrating and selling their robot.

2.)Research more information about tornadoes that will aide them in their sales pitch.