Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mr. Bish

Plans for the Week of :  9/9/ 13- 9/13/13

STEM/ Science/ Literacy         Weekly Focus:  ELA Close Reading and Analyzing Non-fiction Text 

Monday    9/9/13       C Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Understand the purpose of close reading.
2. Establish a link between questioning,close examination,and deep understanding.
3. Learn the words evidence and analyze as part  of the process of close reading.
Learning Activity:
Come up with ways they can look at text and gather information.

Learning Outcome:  Students will preview text before jumping into the unit. Complete a KWL about wolves.

Tuesday     9/10/13      D Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Students are going to orient themselves to the idea of attending to details through examine images.
Learning Activity:
Students will analyze images 1-5  by in groups. Students will also generate five captions for each picture. Students will then justify why their caption is appropriate for each picture.
Learning Outcome:
Students will present their five captions to each group member and discuss they choice for each caption.

Wednesday  9/ 11/ 13  E Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
Students wil use guiding questions to look closely for details  in a text.
Learning Activity:
Read text # 2 aloud to the students. Student will think about the question " what information or ideas does the text present.  Students will  record their responses and discuss what information the article presents.  Independently students will re-read text and highlight and underline phrases that stand put to them as the read.

Learning Outcome: Students will paraphrase informantion that they learns from the text.

Thursday   9/12/13   F Day

 Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…
1. Students will use guiding questions to look closely for details Ina multi-media text and write a few sentences explaining come thing that they have learned.

Learning Activity: 
Students will watch the David Owens video . Student will ask themselves  " what information or Ida's does this text present.

Learning Outcome: Record key details that they learned from the multi-media video. Format will include  column notes, sharing important information, and justification why this information is important.

Friday    9/13/13  A Day

Objective: As a result of the lesson students will…

Learning Activity:

Learning Outcome:

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