Lesson Plans for the Week of September 29,2014- October 3, 2014
Mr. Bish
Grade 6 Science/ Literacy
Monday, September 29, 2014 F -Day - Chorus Day
Monday Morning Meeting Protocol
Students will make their way down to the LGI room and participate in Monday Morning Meeting. Students will listen and actively participate in the meeting. During the meeting students will do the following.
- Greeting - In preparing for the year the students have been working on professional greetings. student have been learning to introduce themselves by making eye contact, shaking hands in a professional manner, clearly saying their names and actively listening.
- Morning Buzz- Students will participate int he interactive news segment of the Monday Morning Meeting. During this time students will learn objectives for the week, review previously taught content, current events, weather and self- reflection.
- Guest Speaker- This week students will listen to Mrs. Russell our middle school principal to learn about her career as an educator and the importance of education and working hard at a career.
Science Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Identify examples of pollution as natural sources of pollution or human activity pollution.
2.) Share and discuss facts about pollution they researched the previous class.
3.) Create possible solution for pollution.
Learning Activity: Students will come together to share and discuss examples of pollution they they found. Students will share their facts with group and generate a possible solution for fixing the pollution around the world.
Evidence of Learning- Students will research and find facts and present them to the group. Students will create ideas for solving pollution problems.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 A-Day
Energy in the Earth's Atmosphere- Pages 36- 39
vocab terms for pages 36-39 Energy in the earth's atmosphere
Objectives for the Lesson- As a result of the lesson students will....
1.) State in what form energy travels from the sun to the Earth.
2.) Explain what happens to the sun's energy in the atmosphere and the Earth's surface.
Learning Activity- Teacher will introduce Bell Ringer : Which is cooler on a hot summer day? A lawn or a parking lot? The students will learn about electromagnetic waves and radiation. Students will read pages 36-37 and answer the following question. Which color of visible light has the longest wavelength? Students will work in groups to read the section Energy and Atmosphere and discuss the percentage of heat absorbed is in the earth. Students will assign percentages to energy absorbed and reflected into the atmosphere.
Evidence of Learning- Students will answer questions and define terms while woking in groups.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 B-Day
Energy in the Earth's Atmosphere- Pages 36- 39
vocab terms for pages 36-39 Energy in the earth's atmosphere
Objectives for the Lesson- As a result of the lesson students will....
1.) State in what form energy travels from the sun to the Earth.
2.) Explain what happens to the sun's energy in the atmosphere and the Earth's surface.
Learning Activity- Teacher will introduce Bell Ringer : Which is cooler on a hot summer day? A lawn or a parking lot? The students will learn about electromagnetic waves and radiation. Students will read pages 36-37 and answer the following question. Which color of visible light has the longest wavelength? Students will work in groups to read the section Energy and Atmosphere and discuss the percentage of heat absorbed is in the earth. Students will assign percentages to energy absorbed and reflected into the atmosphere.
Evidence of Learning- Students will answer questions and define terms while working in groups.
Thursday, October 2, 2014 C- Day
Objectives: Students will......
Pages 38-39 Focus: Using diagrams and captions to gain information.
1.) Analyze a chart and explain what happens to the sun's energy when
it enters the Earth's Atmosphere.
2.)Explain the greenhouse effect and how it holds heat inside the Earth's Atmosphere.
Bell Ringer; What are the three forms of energy that the sun produces. ( Infrared Radiation, Visible light and Ultraviolet Radiation)
Lesson: Students will look at page 38 at the diagram titled Energy of the Earth's Atmosphere. Student sill learn that captions provide valuable information from the text. Students were then asked to answer the following questions based on the captions;
How much of the sun's energy is absorbed into the Earth's surface? What does it heat?
What percent is reflected by the clouds and dust?
What percent is absorbed by gases and particles in the atmosphere?
Students will then watch the following video.
Focus Question: What is the Green House Effect? How is it important to the Earth?
Objectives: Students will......
Pages 38-39 Focus: Using diagrams and captions to gain information.
1.) Analyze a chart and explain what happens to the sun's energy when
it enters the Earth's Atmosphere.
2.)Explain the greenhouse effect and how it holds heat inside the Earth's Atmosphere.
Bell Ringer; What are the three forms of energy that the sun produces. ( Infrared Radiation, Visible light and Ultraviolet Radiation)
Lesson: Students will look at page 38 at the diagram titled Energy of the Earth's Atmosphere. Student sill learn that captions provide valuable information from the text. Students were then asked to answer the following questions based on the captions;
How much of the sun's energy is absorbed into the Earth's surface? What does it heat?
What percent is reflected by the clouds and dust?
What percent is absorbed by gases and particles in the atmosphere?
Students will then watch the following video.
Focus Question: What is the Green House Effect? How is it important to the Earth?
Homework Possible Videos