Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Things to Keep in Mind


The 1st day of school is quickly approaching. Before we know it we will be racing down the road in pursuit of knowledge and understanding.  We have been working hard all summer to get ready for the year and we are eager to have you in our classrooms.  Here are a few things to keep in mind before we start on Thursday, August 5, 2013.

Important Reminders

-Students coming into the sixth grade a required to have their TDAP immunization prior to the first day of school.  If your child has not received their required TDAP or have proof of a scheduled appointment by August 5, they will not be allowed to attend school until they have received this immunization.

- You need to have ALL of your required back to school supplies before coming to school. These will not be provided for you by the school so make sure you have your supplies before the year begins.  ( Walmart, Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, The Dollar Tree, BJs , Family Dollar are running specials currently.) If you need a list of supplies, please go to the Middle School Website for information.

- On Wednesday, August 21, 2013, there will be an informational meeting about STEM for parents in the High School Auditorium at 6:00 pm.  The meeting will offer a STEM overview, a question and answer period,introduction to the staff, and information will be presented about the year.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Click on the icon above
Objectives for the Week of  August 12

Prepare for the 2013-2014 academic year

September is almost here!


I am so excited to be starting the school year in a few weeks.  I am eager to get back into the swing of things. We have a lot of learning to do this year and I know that we are going to be working hard this year.
Here are a few things that I need you to do before the first day of school.

- Make sure that you have ALL of the supplies needed for the school year. ( Walmart ,Dollar Tree, Staples, Office Depot etc. are running back to school specials this month )
- Read the newspaper, online blogs, magazines, classifieds, news articles, non-fiction literature before the school year.
-  Be ready to be an active learner.
- Be ready to work hard!