Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Superintendents Conference Day

 September 2-3, 2014

Superintendents Conference Days


Session 1- LGBTQ Training - Teachers were educated about the group of students who identify themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and the way that educators need to make sure that these students are valued and respected in the learning community. Teachers discusses the roles of men and women and how society views them and how we need to be sensitive to how we speak to our students and how we need to promote a sense of community with all students in our schools.

Session 2- Mohawk Sensitivity Training - Staff  learned about Mohawk rights of passage as a new way for Mohawk men and women develop a sense of cultural understanding, pride, dignity, honor and as well give them the skills they need to have before they reach adult hood. This program has been successful and is helping the Mohawk students at Salmon River.

Session 3- DASA Training - http://www.p12.nysed.gov/dignityact/