As a team of teachers and students we have been working on Module number one , which focuses on Greek Mythology. As a STEM team students have been working on citing evidence, looking at multiple sources for information, evaluating information and connecting what is being taught in the grade six module to other subject areas such as math, science, social studies and writing.
STEM Teams Driving Question:
How do we as students educate the community about ancient Greece and Greece’s contributions to modern society?
Monday, October 27, 2014 F- Day
Wear Red Day – “Red-y to Live Drug Free and Make a
Difference” Everyone is encouraged to
wear red or ribbon shirts/dresses.
wear red or ribbon shirts/dresses.
Monday Morning Meeting- Procedure
Students will make their way down to the LGI room and participate in Monday Morning Meeting. Students will listen and actively participate in the meeting. During the meeting students will do the following.
- Greeting - In preparing for the year the students have been working on professional greetings. student have been learning to introduce themselves by making eye contact, shaking hands in a professional manner, clearly saying their names and actively listening.
- Morning Buzz- Students will participate int he interactive news segment of the Monday Morning Meeting. During this time students will learn objectives for the week, review previously taught content, current events, weather and self- reflection.
Entrance Event: Introduce the students to the idea of the Greek Fest. Introduce the students to the first STEM project of the year. The Greek Fest
Jobs will be announced to the students. The previous week the students interviewed to work in the following departments:
Agora/ Marketing
News Room
Science, Medical and Engineering Contributions to Modern World
Fashion/ Greek Armor
Greek Cuisine
Mathematical Contributions
What were some of the contributions the Greeks made to the modern world?
Science, Medical and Engineering Contributions Department
Objectives for the Department: As a result of today's lesson students will...
1.) Generate a driving question for the department that will drive the departments learning.
2.) Generate a Need to Know List to help the department conduct research.
3.) Explore the scientific, medical, and engineering contributions to the modern world.
4.) Reflect on the days learning by completing a journal entry that shares evidence of learning.
Lesson Resources:
Scientific Contributions:
Medical Contributions:
Engineering Contributions:
Lesson for the Day-
Students will explore the scientific, medical and engineering contributions of the Greeks. Students will categorize key words, people, contributions, inventions. Students will discuss what they have found. Students will then decide what subject they want to research. Student sill then begin finding information on line and on multiple text resources.
Journal Question for the Day: Students will respond to the following journal question. Response will have evidence and answer each part of the journal questions.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014 A- Day
Project Day 2
Project Requirements-
Choose one of the contributions made by the Greeks: Contribution must be identified.
Project board needs identify the person responsible for the contribution.
Project Board must have the history of the person, education.
Contribution must be identified and explained in kid language
Must identify how the contribution is used today.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 B- Day
Project Day 3
Project Requirements-
Choose one of the contributions made by the Greeks: Contribution must be identified.
Project board needs identify the person responsible for the contribution.
Project Board must have the history of the person, education.
Contribution must be identified and explained in kid language
Must identify how the contribution is used today.
Thursday , October 30, 2014 C- Day
Project Day 4
Project Requirements-
Choose one of the contributions made by the Greeks: Contribution must be identified.
Project board needs identify the person responsible for the contribution.
Project Board must have the history of the person, education.
Contribution must be identified and explained in kid language
Must identify how the contribution is used today.
Friday, October 31, 2014 D- Day
Something Fun for Halloween
Project Day 5
Project Requirements-
Choose one of the contributions made by the Greeks: Contribution must be identified.
Project board needs identify the person responsible for the contribution.
Project Board must have the history of the person, education.
Contribution must be identified and explained in kid language
Must identify how the contribution is used today.