STEM Grade 6
Science and Literacy
Project Time: Agbotics
Monday, June 2, 2014 C- Day
Field Trip to Clarkson University
Objective for Day : Students will..
1.) Attend a field trip at Clarkson University to get a tour of the different programs offered at Clarkson Univeristy.
2.) Students will tour and get an overview of the robotics program available at Clarkson University.
3.) Students will ask questions and gain insight on the design process from Clarkson Robotics students.
Overview of the Day: Students will attend Clarkson University and receive a tour of the C.A.M.P. building at Clarkson University. Students will then get an overview of the different programs being offered at Clarkson University from First Lego League to High School Level of Robotics. Students will then get a tour of the SPEED programs and learn about the design process. In addition students will see first hand an actual agbot being constructed at Clarkson. Students will then ask questions to the designers and learn about the different steps needed to create a robot.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014 D-Day
Objective for the Day: Students will....
1.) Work in cooperative groups to start writing the three programs for each of their assigned tasks for their corporations.
2.) Students will produce three mission plans for their tasks.
3.)Students will then learn how to write programming for three motors.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 E- Day
Objective for the Day: Students will....
1.) Work in cooperative groups to start writing the three programs for each of their assigned tasks for their corporations.
2.) Students will produce three mission plans for their tasks.
3.)Students will then learn how to write programming for three motors.
Thursday, June 5, 2014 F- Day
ELA Field Test
Students will work for forty minutes to complete a New York State Field Test .