Mr. Bish
Social Studies / STEM/ Non- Fiction Literacy
Unit: Science Fair
Monday, January 19, 2014
Tuesday, January 20, 2015 - B - Day
Tuesday, Morning Meeting Procedure
Students will make their way down to the LGI room and participate in Monday Morning Meeting. Students will listen and actively participate in the meeting. During the meeting students will do the following.
- Greeting - In preparing for the year the students have been working on professional greetings. student have been learning to introduce themselves by making eye contact, shaking hands in a professional manner, clearly saying their names and actively listening.
- Morning Buzz- Students will participate int he interactive news segment of the Monday Morning Meeting. During this time students will learn objectives for the week, review previously taught content, current events, weather and self- reflection. ( Focus of the Lesson Health- Hygiene)
Speaker - Will Cady - Head of Accounts - Source and Vibe Magazine- Event Planing in California. Mr. Cady will share his educational background and requirements for his job.
Science Lesson for the Day
Science Fair - Research Using Research Plan Graphic Organizer
1.) Write This is About Statements ( gist ) from one of their articles that addresses one of their research questions.
2.) Work in cooperative groups to comprehend their own articles.
What are some tips for reading complex text ?
Tips for Reading a Complex Text
1.) Read the text first by previewing the text.
Remember the Five ps
Purpose- Why did the author write this article?
Prior Knowledge - What do I know about this topic?
Plan - How am I going to read this?
Preview - What information and I going to learn?
Predict - What will I gain from this article?
Then read by chunking - Read each section and write what was the section about.
IF you don't understand reread it.
Lesson Overview: Students will watch the teacher model how to close read a science articles using the following article about stages of sleep.
Sleepdex - Stages of Sleep
The teacher will model how to pre-read, underlining keywords and circling words that are unfamiliar. teacher will then have the students break into groups and pre read one of their selected articles they found the previous lesson.
Evidence of Learning : Students will select on article to close read. Circle Unfamiliar words, Underline Keywords and Write the Gist about each section.
Objectives As a result of the lesson students will...
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 C- Day
1.) Work in cooperative groups to identify evidence and information that will help the students write their research question.
2.) Work in cooperative groups to comprehend their own articles.
What are some tips for reading complex text ?
Tips for Reading a Complex Text
1.) Read the text first by previewing the text.
Remember the Five ps
Purpose- Why did the author write this article?
Prior Knowledge - What do I know about this topic?
Plan - How am I going to read this?
Preview - What information and I going to learn?
Predict - What will I gain from this article?
Then read by chunking - Read each section and write what was the section about.
IF you don't understand reread it.
Lesson Overview: Students will watch the teacher model how to close read a science articles using the following article about stages of sleep.
Sleepdex - Stages of Sleep
The teacher will model how to pre-read, underlining keywords and circling words that are unfamiliar. teacher will then have the students break into groups and pre read one of their selected articles they found the previous lesson.
Evidence of Learning : Students will select on article to close read. Circle Unfamiliar words, Underline Keywords and Write the Gist about each section.