Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of March 7, 2016 to March 11, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of March 7, 2016 to March 11, 2016

Mr. Bish
Grade 6 STEM Team B
Social Studies / Non- Fiction Literacy

Social Studies: Black Death Extension Project:

Essential Question:

How can an epidemic or pandemic change a pollution and the way that people live?

Monday, March 7, 2016 - A- Day

Objectives for Lesson:  Students will

1.) Collect information on their selected epidemic or pandemic.
2.) Organize Data and information about their epidemic or pandemic.

3.) Create a presentation that educates their classmates about their epidemic or pandemic.

Lesson Overview: Students have been working in groups of four to five students to create a presentation that shows how their selected epidemic or pandemic has an impact on the world. They will present the science behind the epidemic transfers from person to person, explain the symptoms, shares treatments and explains how these epidemics or pandemics can change a population.

Evidence of Learning: Create a powerpoint presentation that educates classmates about their selected epidemic or pandemic.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016 B - Day

Who is the CDC and what do they do?

Objectives for Lesson:  Students will

1.) Collect information on their selected epidemic or pandemic.
2.) Organize Data and information about their epidemic or pandemic.

3.) Create a presentation that educates their classmates about their epidemic or pandemic.

Lesson Overview: Students have been working in groups of four to five students to create a presentation that shows how their selected epidemic or pandemic has an impact on the world. They will present the science behind the epidemic transfers from person to person, explain the symptoms, shares treatments and explains how these epidemics or pandemics can change a population.

Evidence of Learning: Create a powerpoint presentation that educates classmates about their selected epidemic or pandemic.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016  C- Day
Objectives for Lesson:  Students will

1.) Collect information on their selected epidemic or pandemic.
2.) Organize Data and information about their epidemic or pandemic.

3.) Create a presentation that educates their classmates about their epidemic or pandemic.

Lesson Overview: Students have been working in groups of four to five students to create a presentation that shows how their selected epidemic or pandemic has an impact on the world. They will present the science behind the epidemic transfers from person to person, explain the symptoms, shares treatments and explains how these epidemics or pandemics can change a population.

Evidence of Learning: Create a powerpoint presentation that educates classmates about their selected epidemic or pandemic.

Thursday , March 10, 2016 D- Day - Presentation Day

Essential Question :How can an epidemic or pandemic change a pollution and the way that people live?

Objectives for the Lesson:

1. ) Present their presentations.
2.) Make a claim about which epidemic or pandemic had or has the worst impact on a civilization.

Lesson Overview:

Friday, March 11, 2016 E- Day