Thursday, March 20, 2014

Monday :
       1. Understand the cause and effect of the 5 forces of Mechanical Weathering.
       2. Have a better understanding of cause and effect.
       3. Describe what Chemical Weathering is.
Anticipatory set:
Students will be engaged by a Bell Ringer that states, What are the two things that team up to wear the Earth’s surface down?
Summary: In this lesson the students will review the forces of Mechanical weathering and be introduced to Chemical weathering. Students will also work with the skill of cause and effect again. They will tie the concept of cause and effect to these weathering styles.
Materials: paper (lined sheet)
Cause and Effect telephone game: Students will be given a scenario and they will work with their group of three to four to create a story chain.
Book Activity 1: Students will review Mechanical weathering by turning to pages 40-41 and writing the cause and effect of each force of Mechanical Weathering.
Book Activity 2: Student will read the section on Chemical weathering and its effects. Students will write down one-two interesting facts about each effect. (water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, living organisms, and acid rain.)
Closing: Students will answer review questions that pertain to the lesson’s content.
Hwk: pg 45 Question 1 and 2 both a-b sections.

1.       Students will be able to know the materials needed to create soil.
  1. Student will be able to identify the three parts of soil formation.
Anticipatory Set:
Students will be engaged in this lesson by trying to solve a riddle. I am different colors, I am found outside, plants are my best friends, you can also find me at Home Depot and Walmart, insects love me, I make up 10% of the Earth. What am I?
Summary: Students in this lesson will learn of how soil is formed and its components. They will know of which type of soil is the best for growing items and have and understanding of how soil composition and texture can effect plant growth.
Materials: Plate or Pie chart blank template, coloring pencils, and crayons.
Soil pie chart: Students will recreate the components of loam (a type of soil). Students are given supplies to create this pie chart.
 Closing Activity: Students will answer questions created to help foster understanding of the content that was taught in this lesson.
Hwk: pg. 54 Question 1 (a-b-c)

Students will be able identify the various soil types that are present in North America.
Students will be to know what a decomposer is and how they affect the soil.
Anticipatory set: Can you tell me the three types of Horizons and where topsoil and subsoil are located in the three horizons?
Summary: The students will learn about the differing soil types that are located in North America. They will also learn about how decomposers and other organisms can affect the soil.
Materials: Construction paper, colored pencils, markers, and decomposer handout
Soil types activity: Students will answer questions pertaining to the reading on page 51.
Then after video the students will answer discussion questions via handout worksheet.
Closing activity:
Students will write a journal entry on what they have learned about concerning living organisms in the soil, and the different soil types.
Hwk: pg. 54 Question 3 (a-b-c)

Students will be able to identify what a natural resource is.
Students will be able to describe how soil can lose its value.
Students will be able to identify ways that the soil can be conserved.
Anticipatory set:
 Bell Ringer: What is a decomposer and why are their roles important?
Summary: In this lesson the students will be exposed the areas of soil loss, soil value, and soil conservation. In the lesson the students will learn of ways that farmers use techniques to conserve the soil after harvesting season. The class will understand how the Dust Bowl affected how people plant their crops.
Students will view a video that discusses the Dust Bowl and its impact on the soil. During the video students will write down three facts that they have learned of during the video on the Dust Bowl. The students will share their findings along with their most interesting fact of the three.
Class discussion on why is soil so valuable and activity. Students will learn that the soil is a natural resource. They will have five minutes to write down as many things we can get from the soil in our everyday lives. Timed activity.
Soil Conservation Why is it important?: Students will read pg. 59 about the various ways farmers have developed techniques in order to save the soil from destruction. Then they will write down the various techniques in order to understand why they are important.
Public service announcement: Students will have 10 minutes to come up with a news report on the Dust Bowl. They will write at least a paragraph reporting the terrible event (using knowledge that they have gained from both the video and the text). As also a part of their paragraph, they will identify the danger of soil loss and methods farmers have created to save the soil.
Closing Activity:
Students will answer review questions that are developed by the teacher in order to check for understanding.

Chapter two test.