Mr. Bish
Science/ STEM
Unit of Study- Earth's Changing Surface
Monday, May 4,2015 C- Day
Monday Morning Meeting Procedure
- Greeting
- Shout Outs
-Objectives for the Week
- Team Building
- Guest Speaker
Science: Earth's Surface
Pages 5-9 Earth's Changing Surfaces
How thick is each part?
What are they made up of?
What makes them similar and different from each other.
Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core
Objectives for the Lesson: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Identify the four layers of the earth
2.) Compare and contrast the parts of the earth
3.) Create a diagram of the earth's structure
Example: Diagram of the Earth
Label all of the parts of the earth.
Give a Description of each part.

Homework- Read pages 22-23 . Pick two land forms and compare and contrast two land forms. Two similarities and two differences.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015 D- Day
Pages - 8-12
Forces that create land forms
What are some forces that create land forms.
Plate Tectonics
Ring of Fire
Key Vocabulary
-Plate Tectonics
-Continental Plates
-Oceanic Plates
Students will...
Explain how magma cycling under the earth drives the plates around the earth.
Distinguish between continental plates and oceanic plates..
Explain earth quakes.