Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of February 29, 2016 - March 4, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of February 29, 2016 - March 4, 2016
Mr. Bish

Social Studies: Black Death

Essential Questions:

What caused the Black Death?

What caused the Black Death to spread?

What were some false beliefs people had about what caused the Black Death?

Monday, February 29, 2016 - No school due to closing

Leap Year Explained?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016 C Day

Lesson Overview: Writing about the Black Plague

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will...

1) Produce a report that communicates knowledge about the Black Death.

2.) Uses evidence to support claims and statements about the Black Death

Lesson Overview: Students will look over their graphic organizer from the evidence they collected from the document exploration. Students will write a report that answers the following questions:

What caused the Black Death?

What caused the Black Death to spread?

What were some false beliefs people had about what caused the Black Death?

Evidence of Learning: Produce a rough draft that answers the three essential questions. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - D Day
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 B Day

Lesson Overview: Writing about the Black Plague

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will...

1) Produce a report that communicates knowledge about the Black Death.

2.) Uses evidence to support claims and statements about the Black Death

3.) Use rubric to write rough draft.

Lesson Overview: Students will look over their graphic organizer from the evidence they collected from the document exploration. Students will write a report that answers the following questions:

What caused the Black Death?

What caused the Black Death to spread?

What were some false beliefs people had about what caused the Black Death?

Evidence of Learning: Produce a rough draft that answers the three essential questions.

Thursday, March 3, 2016 E- Day

Exploring Pandemics and Epidemics

Zika Virus
