Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of March 7, 2016 to March 11, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of March 7, 2016 to March 11, 2016

Mr. Bish
Grade 6 STEM Team B
Social Studies / Non- Fiction Literacy

Social Studies: Black Death Extension Project:

Essential Question:

How can an epidemic or pandemic change a pollution and the way that people live?

Monday, March 7, 2016 - A- Day

Objectives for Lesson:  Students will

1.) Collect information on their selected epidemic or pandemic.
2.) Organize Data and information about their epidemic or pandemic.

3.) Create a presentation that educates their classmates about their epidemic or pandemic.

Lesson Overview: Students have been working in groups of four to five students to create a presentation that shows how their selected epidemic or pandemic has an impact on the world. They will present the science behind the epidemic transfers from person to person, explain the symptoms, shares treatments and explains how these epidemics or pandemics can change a population.

Evidence of Learning: Create a powerpoint presentation that educates classmates about their selected epidemic or pandemic.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016 B - Day

Who is the CDC and what do they do?

Objectives for Lesson:  Students will

1.) Collect information on their selected epidemic or pandemic.
2.) Organize Data and information about their epidemic or pandemic.

3.) Create a presentation that educates their classmates about their epidemic or pandemic.

Lesson Overview: Students have been working in groups of four to five students to create a presentation that shows how their selected epidemic or pandemic has an impact on the world. They will present the science behind the epidemic transfers from person to person, explain the symptoms, shares treatments and explains how these epidemics or pandemics can change a population.

Evidence of Learning: Create a powerpoint presentation that educates classmates about their selected epidemic or pandemic.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016  C- Day
Objectives for Lesson:  Students will

1.) Collect information on their selected epidemic or pandemic.
2.) Organize Data and information about their epidemic or pandemic.

3.) Create a presentation that educates their classmates about their epidemic or pandemic.

Lesson Overview: Students have been working in groups of four to five students to create a presentation that shows how their selected epidemic or pandemic has an impact on the world. They will present the science behind the epidemic transfers from person to person, explain the symptoms, shares treatments and explains how these epidemics or pandemics can change a population.

Evidence of Learning: Create a powerpoint presentation that educates classmates about their selected epidemic or pandemic.

Thursday , March 10, 2016 D- Day - Presentation Day

Essential Question :How can an epidemic or pandemic change a pollution and the way that people live?

Objectives for the Lesson:

1. ) Present their presentations.
2.) Make a claim about which epidemic or pandemic had or has the worst impact on a civilization.

Lesson Overview:

Friday, March 11, 2016 E- Day

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of February 29, 2016 - March 4, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of February 29, 2016 - March 4, 2016
Mr. Bish

Social Studies: Black Death

Essential Questions:

What caused the Black Death?

What caused the Black Death to spread?

What were some false beliefs people had about what caused the Black Death?

Monday, February 29, 2016 - No school due to closing

Leap Year Explained?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016 C Day

Lesson Overview: Writing about the Black Plague

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will...

1) Produce a report that communicates knowledge about the Black Death.

2.) Uses evidence to support claims and statements about the Black Death

Lesson Overview: Students will look over their graphic organizer from the evidence they collected from the document exploration. Students will write a report that answers the following questions:

What caused the Black Death?

What caused the Black Death to spread?

What were some false beliefs people had about what caused the Black Death?

Evidence of Learning: Produce a rough draft that answers the three essential questions. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - D Day
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 B Day

Lesson Overview: Writing about the Black Plague

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will...

1) Produce a report that communicates knowledge about the Black Death.

2.) Uses evidence to support claims and statements about the Black Death

3.) Use rubric to write rough draft.

Lesson Overview: Students will look over their graphic organizer from the evidence they collected from the document exploration. Students will write a report that answers the following questions:

What caused the Black Death?

What caused the Black Death to spread?

What were some false beliefs people had about what caused the Black Death?

Evidence of Learning: Produce a rough draft that answers the three essential questions.

Thursday, March 3, 2016 E- Day

Exploring Pandemics and Epidemics

Zika Virus


Friday, February 26, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of February 22, 2016- February 26, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of February 22, 2016- February 26, 2016

Mr. Bish

Social Studies/ Unit - The Black Death

Essential Questions

What was the Black Death?

What caused the Black Death to spread?

What were come beliefs about what caused the black death?

Monday, February 22, 2016  E- day

Lesson Focus:  What was the  Black Death?

Objectives: Students will...

1.) Identify the Plague that was the black death.

2.) Examine Pictures and Artifacts Associated with the Black Death

What were the symptoms of the black death?

Where did it originate?

What were the three plagues associated with the Black Death?

Learning Outcome: Student will watch the two videos and document the symptoms of the black death. Student will then examine documents a-d from an evidence gathering activity.

Evidence of learning: Students will recall what is the three types of plagues that made up the black plague as Bubonic Plague, Pneumanic Plague and Septicemic Plague. Explain the symptoms of the Black Death. Identify where the plague originated in Central Asia.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 F - Day

Lesson Focus: Evidence Gathering Based on Artifacts:

Artifacts A, B C, F

Objectives: Students will.....

1.) Examine and Analyze documents A, B, C, D

2.) Provide evidence that answers each of the questions using information gathered from each document.

Learning  Outcome:

Students will examine documents to collect evidence to answer guiding questions using evidence from each of the exhibits.

Evidence of Learning: Complete evidence collection sheet A- D

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Thursday, February 24, 2016 A- Day

Lesson Focus: Evidence Gathering Based on Artifacts:

Artifacts E, F, G , H

Objectives: Students will.....

1.) Examine and Analyze documents E, F, G , H

2.) Provide evidence that answers each of the questions using information gathered from each document.

Learning  Outcome:

Students will examine documents to collect evidence to answer guiding questions using evidence from each of the exhibits.

Evidence of Learning: Complete evidence collection sheet E, F, G, H 

Friday, February 25, 2016  B- Day 

Focus: Demonstrate Knowledge of Black Death Content 

Objective: Students will ...

Demonstrate knowledge of the Black Death by completing assessment 

Organize evidence to answer three essential questions. 

Learning Outcome: 

Students will take a ten question test.

Organize Evidence to answer the following questions.

What was the Black Death?

What caused the Black Death to spread?

What were come beliefs about what caused the black death?

Friday, February 12, 2016

Lesson Plans- Feb 8-12

Lesson Plans for the Week of  February , 2016- Feb 5, 2016

Mr. Bish Lesson Plans

Science Fair

Driving Question: How do we as grade six students use the scientific method to research, design and test and experiment that can solve a real world problem?

Monday, February 8, 2016 D-Day 

Students will make final preparations for the science fair.
Students will practice presentations
students will present to peer groups 

Learning Outcome: Prepare for science fair through practice and presentation 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016  E Day 


8:15-8:30 - Student set up in the gymnasium 
8: 30-8:45 - Judges Preview 
8:45- 10:45 Present to Judges 

Objectives: Students will present their final project to judges.

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the scientific method through their presentation 
Students will answer questions from judges 
Students will defend claims in presentation 

Learning Outcome: Present Project to Judges to be evaluated 

Wednesday, February  10, 2016  F- day 

Self Reflection and Peer Reflection


Students will complete self reflection to evaluate their work during the project 
Students will identify strengths and weakness
Students will make justifications and plans for further projects 

Learning Outcome: Complete self- reflection

Thursday,February 11, 2016 A- Day 

Presentations to Class

Objectives: Students will present their final project to class and teacher

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the scientific method through their presentation 
Students will answer questions from judges 
Students will defend claims in presentation 

Learning Outcome: Present Project- Evaluation: Rubric

Friday, February 12, 2016 - B- Day 

Final Assessment Scientific Method 

Demonstrate Knowledge of the Scientific Method by taking Assessment 

Learning Outcome: 

Complete assessment
Lesson Plans for the Week of  February 1, 2016- Feb 5, 2016

Mr. Bish Lesson Plans

Science Fair

Driving Question: How do we as grade six students use the scientific method to research, design and test and experiment that can solve a real world problem?

Monday, February 1, 2016 B- Day 
Data Analysis 

Objective: Students will...

Learn how to make graphs using the create a graph program 

Organize data and observations in a data table

Write up data analysis based on tables and graphs 

Learning Outcome; sw create graphs from data gathered from their experiments 
Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - C- Day 

Objective: Students will...

Learn how to make graphs using the create a graph program 

Organize data and observations in a data table

Write up data analysis based on tables and graphs 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016 D- Day 


Objectives: s/w - Write conclusions 

Learning Outcome: Students will write a conclusion that;
- restates hypothesis 
-identifies if the hypothesis was correct
- reporting data 
- identifying what caused the outcome of the experiment 

Thursday, February 4, 2016 E- Day 
Final Report 


sw organize final  report for science fair 

Learning Outcome: 

organize and write the final report 

Friday, February 5 2016 F- Day 

Objective : Complete the display board  for science fair 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Lesson Plans for the Week of January 11,2016 -January 29,2016

Mr. Bish Lesson Plans

Science Fair

Driving Question: How do we as grade six students use the scientific method to research, design and test and experiment that can solve a real world problem?

Focus for the Week: Completing Science Experiments

Monday, January 22, 2016 C- day

Conducting Experiment


s/w conduct experiments that test their independent, dependent, and controlled variables.

s/w collect data and observations from their experiments

Tuesday, January 23, 2016 D- Day
Conducting Experiment


s/w conduct experiments that test their independent, dependent, and controlled variables.

s/w collect data and observations from their experiments

Wednesday, January 24, 2016 E- Day
Conducting Experiment


s/w conduct experiments that test their independent, dependent, and controlled variables.

s/w collect data and observations from their experiments

Thursday, January 25, 2016 F- Day

Conducting Experiment


s/w conduct experiments that test their independent, dependent, and controlled variables.

s/w collect data and observations from their experiments

Friday, January 26, 2016 A- Day

Conducting Experiment


s/w conduct experiments that test their independent, dependent, and controlled variables.

s/w collect data and observations from their experiments

Monday, January 18, 2016

No School Martin Luther King Day

Tuesday, January 19, 2016- E- Day

Focus Lesson: Variables

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will learn the three types of variables.

Compare and Contrast Independent Variables, Dependent Variables, Controlled Variables

Identify and Write Variables for their personal experiments.

Lesson: Variables - Sw learn about independent, dependent, and controlled variables.

Outcome; Write up variables for their own personal experiments.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 F- Day

Lesson Focus: Hypothesis


Students will learn how to write a hypothesis in an if, then statement.

Lesson:  S/W learn how to write a hypothesis.


Learning Outcome: S/W write hypothesis for their experiments

Thursday, January 21, 2016 A- Day
Materials/ List and Procedure:

experimental procedure 
Materials List

Learning Outcome: s/w -type materials list and procedure in google drive

Friday, January 22, 2016 B Day

Materials/ List and Procedure:

experimental procedure 
Materials List

Learning Outcome: s/w -type materials list and procedure in google drive

Monday, January 11, 2016 - F Day

Background Research Report-  For the Week

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Use their notes gathered from research to produce a written report that answers each of the six research questions.
2.) Follow assigned format to complete research report.

Lesson Overview: Students will be typing their research report on the assigned topic. Each paper will have 6-8 paragraphs that demonstrate understanding of the topic and content.

Research Paper Model

sample paper for grade 6

Evidence of Learning: Each member will complete three paragraphs each that demonstrate understanding of the content.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 A- Day

Background Research Report-  For the Week

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Use their notes gathered from research to produce a written report that answers each of the six research questions.
2.) Follow assigned format to complete research report.

Lesson Overview: Students will be typing their research report on the assigned topic. Each paper will have 6-8 paragraphs that demonstrate understanding of the topic and content.

Research Paper Model

sample paper for grade 6

Evidence of Learning: Each member will complete three paragraphs each that demonstrate understanding of the content.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 B Day 
Background Research Report-  For the Week

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Use their notes gathered from research to produce a written report that answers each of the six research questions.
2.) Follow assigned format to complete research report.

Lesson Overview: Students will be typing their research report on the assigned topic. Each paper will have 6-8 paragraphs that demonstrate understanding of the topic and content.

Research Paper Model

sample paper for grade 6

Evidence of Learning: Each member will complete three paragraphs each that demonstrate understanding of the content. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016  C- Day 
Background Research Report-  For the Week

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Use their notes gathered from research to produce a written report that answers each of the six research questions.
2.) Follow assigned format to complete research report.

Lesson Overview: Students will be typing their research report on the assigned topic. Each paper will have 6-8 paragraphs that demonstrate understanding of the topic and content.

Research Paper Model

sample paper for grade 6

Evidence of Learning: Each member will complete three paragraphs each that demonstrate understanding of the content. 

Friday, January, 15, 2016  D- Day 

Background Research Report-  For the Week

Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Use their notes gathered from research to produce a written report that answers each of the six research questions.
2.) Follow assigned format to complete research report.

Lesson Overview: Students will be typing their research report on the assigned topic. Each paper will have 6-8 paragraphs that demonstrate understanding of the topic and content.

Research Paper Model

sample paper for grade 6

Evidence of Learning: Each member will complete three paragraphs each that demonstrate understanding of the content. 

Lesson Plans for the Week of January 4,2016 -January 8 ,2016

Mr. Bish Lesson Plans

Science Fair: Background Research Report-

Driving Question: How do we as grade six students use the scientific method to research, design and test and experiment that can solve a real world problem?

Monday, January 4, 2016 A Day

Background Research:

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will...

1. Write six background research questions using the background research questions planning page.

2.) use resources to research six bullets that answer each other students research questions.

3.) Write answers to research questions.

Lesson Overview: Students will use the graphic organizer  background research.  Students will use How to do a background research report to learn how to do background research effectively.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016 B- Day

Background Research:

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will...

1. Write six background research questions using the background research questions planning page.

2.) use resources to research six bullets that answer each other students research questions.

3.) Write answers to research questions.

Lesson Overview: Students will use the graphic organizer  background research.  Students will use How to do a background research report to learn how to do background research effectively.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016  C Day
Background Research:

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will...

1. Write six background research questions using the background research questions planning page.

2.) use resources to research six bullets that answer each other students research questions.

3.) Write answers to research questions.

Lesson Overview: Students will use the graphic organizer  background research.  Students will use How to do a background research report to learn how to do background research effectively.

Thursday, January 7, 2016 D Day

Background Research:

Objectives:  As a result of the lesson students will...

1. Write six background research questions using the background research questions planning page.

2.) use resources to research six bullets that answer each other students research questions.

3.) Write answers to research questions.

Lesson Overview: Students will use the graphic organizer  background research.  Students will use How to do a background research report to learn how to do background research effectively.

Friday, January 8, 2016  E Day

SKI Trip to Titus Mountain

Objectives :
Students will experience the great outdoors in the North Country at Titus Mountain. Students will participate in a ski lesson.

 Lesson Plans for the Week of December
December, 20 2016  E day