Science and Social Studies Literacy
Mr. Bish
Monday, September 7, 2015
NO School in Observance of Labor Day
What is the reason for Labor Day?
Tuesday, September 8, 2015 - C- Day
Topic: Social Studies - Geography Pages
Driving Question for Unit: How do we as students create an app that will help and further educate people about word geography?
Objectives: As a result of the lesson students will...
1.) Discuss and share common knowledge about geography and geographic terms
2.) Define vocabulary terms using social studies text.
3.) Record vocabulary terms in their notes
Terms to Define: Page A-20
basin, bay, bluff, canyon, cape, cataract, channel, cliff, coast, coastal plain, delta, desert, desert, dune, fall line
Lesson Overview: Students will be introduced to the teams driving question. Generate a needs to know list about what questions they need to know about geography. Learn how to record terms from text book.
Evidence of Learning: Students will record driving question in their notes. Students will also define geographic terms part 1.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - D- Day
Social Studies: Geography- Distinguishing between political and physical maps
Terms to Define: Page A-20
floodplain, foothills, glacier, gulf, hill, inlet, island, isthmus, lagoon, lake marsh
Objectives: Students will...
1.) Learn to distinguish between political and physical maps.
2.) identify key features of physical and political maps.
3.) Identify all continents and oceans
Lesson Overview:
Students watch the video above to learn about political and physical maps. Students will identify that political maps show borders, major cities and national capital. Students will then look at the maps on pages A-10-A15 to gather information from political maps. Students will then identify the traits of a physical map. Identify physical features; mountains, deserts, vegetation, rivers, lakes and streams.
Evidence of Learning: Vocab Terms 2 A-20 Students can compare and contrast physical and political maps.
Thursday, September 10, 2015 E- Day
Assessment: Vocab List 1-2
Terms to Define: Page A-20
mesa, mountain, mountain pass, mountain range, mouth of river, oasis, ocean, peak, peninsula, plain, plateau, reef, river, riverbank
Lesson Overview:
Evidence of Learning:
Friday, September 11, 2015
Take a moment and remember the men and woman who lost their lives on this tragic day.
Terms to Define: Page A-20
savanna, sea, sea level, slope, source of water, strait, swamp, timberline, tributary, valley, volcano, waterfall
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